18. Plant these flowers to help the bees | The Odyssey Online
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22 Things To Do This Earth Day, And Every Other Day Of The Year

Happy Earth Day!

22 Things To Do This Earth Day, And Every Other Day Of The Year

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Every year on April 22nd, millions of Americans choose to celebrate Mama Earth and all of her beauty. We celebrate Earth Day by coming together to pick up trash and plant some trees.

People take this one day to try and prove how eco-friendly they are. The problem with that is we as a society should be focused on helping the environment every day and not just one day a year.

In the spirit of Earth Day, here are a few ways that you can do that. Happy Earth Day!

1. Plant a tree


It seems so simple, but it's really one of the best things that you can do.

2.  Ditch the plastic bags when grocery shopping

plastic bags

Let's be real, most people just throw those away when they're done with them anyways.

3. Don't eat meat

For all of you meat lovers, its just ONE day and it WILL be OK. I promise.

4.  Walk or ride a bike

bike ride

If your destination is close enough, that is.

5. Go micro-bead free

facial cleansers

That means not buying or using certain products or face scrubs that have those beads in them. Yes, they are plastic.

6.   Change your light bulbs

light bulbs

It makes them more efficient.

7. Use rechargeable batteries


Of course, there's the cost that is associated with it. Rechargeable batteries are more expensive to buy, but in my opinion that expense is worth it.

8. Shop at local farmers market

farmers market

Not only is the food fresher, but you might get something different that you've never tried before and even supporting local businesses.

9. Repurpose old items

Clothes, jars and various other things.

10. Turn out lights and unplug extension cords when you're not using them

light switch

It saves money and power. Believe it or not, power still goes through the extension cords, even when nothing is plugged into them.

11. Use reusable water bottles

reusable water bottle

Not only does this keep you from spending money on plastic ones, but it helps reduce the amount that is put into the trash.

12. Choose sustainable-produced products

Clothes, food, hair products - you name it. It is surprising what can be made sustainable.

13. Use non-chemical de-icers

winter melt

For those of us who live where it snows, ice on the car or sidewalk can be a hassle to deal with, especially early in the morning. Many turn to a special salt mixture to help. By deciding to not use, this is not just good for the environment, but good for human health, too.

14. Use paper straws

paper straws

They're way more eco-friendly than plastic.

15. Reduce your paper mail

The less you get, the less there is in circulation.

16. Shop smart

Know what you're buying and where it comes from.

17. Start a compost bin


I know it sounds gross and probably smells gross, but its great for the lawn.

18. Plant these flowers to help the bees

flowers for bees

ALWAYS do what you can to save the bees.

19.  Go outside and enjoy nature

Whether it's a quick walk or sitting outside to study under a tree.

20. Spend the day cleaning up the beach

That is, if you're near one. Then after, maybe spend some time watching the waves.

21. Get involved

Even if its just a local club or group.

22. And of course, recycle

It's so simple.

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