7. Dark Blue X Jack's Mannequin | The Odyssey Online
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50 Songs That Need To Be On Your Poolside Playlist This Summer

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50 Songs That Need To Be On Your Poolside Playlist This Summer
instagram @madmonkeyhostels

It's sweet, sweet summertime which means it's time to roll down the windows and crank up the music! Whether you're laying out on the beach or cruising down the highway, I hope this list of songs finds you carefree, a little tanner than usual, and living your BEST summertime life as free as a bird! Every single one of these songs were hand-picked with the blissful glee that summer brings in mind in hopes of creating a sunny disposition that outshines the actual sun. I hope you enjoy!

1. Growing Pains X COIN


2. My! My! My! X Troye Sivan 

In my humble opinion, this is Troye's biggest dance party song.

3. Another Lover X Leland 

Speaking of Troye, let's not miss out on the amazing music his partner in crime Leland has to offer!

4. Violet X Bad Suns 

5. No Roots X Alice Merton 

6. Second Night of Summer X BORNS 

I mean the mood is in the title of the song come on, you have to listen to it!

7. Dark Blue X Jack's Mannequin 

We love Andrew McMahon in his many forms.

8. See You Through My Eyes X The Head and The Heart 

NEW ALBUM ALERT!!! The Head and The Heart seriously just changed my life with this one.

9. Lisa Baby X Walk The Moon 

10. Green Light X Lorde


If you know me at all, you know Lorde is my queen. 10/10 would recommend.

11. Something To Hold On To X The Band CAMINO 

12. Heat of the Summer X Young The Giant 

13. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things X Taylor Swift 


14. Cold Cold Man X Saint Motel 

15. The Run And Go X Twenty One Pilots 

16. Mr. Brightside X The Killers 

A classic.

17. Feel It Still X Portugal. The Man 

18. She Said X Sundara Karma 

19. If You Wanna Stay X The Griswalds 

20. Truth Hurts X Lizzo


21. Million Bucks X Smallpools 

22. Love Me X The 1975 

23. Hunger X Florence + The Machine 

24. Past Lives X BORNS 

25. Arabella X Arctic Monkeys 

26. Brown Eyed Lover X Allen Stone 

If you've never heard of Allen Stone I highly encourage you to look him up and check out his music! He's got so much soul and is full of positivity.

27. Give A Little X Maggie Rogers 

28. make you feel pretty X lovelytheband 

29. dancing around X flor 

30. Rollercoaster X Bleachers


What can I say? Summertime brings out the killer queen in me. Coincidentally, so do all of the other seasons as well.

31. Coloring Outside The Lines X MisterWives 

32. Katchi (feat. Leon Bridges) X Nick Waterhouse 

33. Don't Go X The Greeting Committee 

34. Colorful X Jukebox The Ghost 

It's scientifically proven that it's impossible to listen to this song without smiling, I dare you to give it a try.


36. Gloria X The Lumineers 

More new alternative music??? I'm here for it.

37. Buttercup X Hippo Campus 

38. Saturday Sun X Vance Joy 

39. Tongue Tied X Grouplove 

This has been a summer song of mine for as long as I can remember, it always comes out when the sun does on my Spotify.

Sucker X Jonas Brothers


The comeback of my lifetime.

41. Heartbreaker X Bad Suns 

Sorry not sorry, I'm on a Bad Suns kick right now. (#PostConcertDepressionIsReal)

42. Good as Hell X Lizzo

A newfound queen. Not on Lorde's level by any means, but definitely a new workout playlist staple.

43. Fire Escape X Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness 

44. Supercut X Lorde 

45. Sunset Lover X Petit Biscuit 

46. Electric Touch X A R I Z O N A 

47. Taste of You X Allen Stone 

48. Passenger Side X Smallpools 

49. I Wanna Get Better X Bleachers 

BLEACHERS! My all time favorite. If you want to talk about Jack Antonoff please hit me up.

50. Almost (Sweet Music) X Hozier


Summertime is as sweet as music!

xoxo ~Happy Listening~ & if you give these songs a listen please let me know!!!!

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