2016: A Super Year
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2016: A Super Year

This year we saw some super movies.

2016: A Super Year

2016 was an epic year for superhero movies. Old and new faces graced the silver screen, advancing story lines and throwing us for loops (sometimes literally). This year has created some of the most memorable characters in multiple superhero universes, so let’s take a look back.

Deadpool: February 12

A controversy in and of itself, Deadpool introduced us to Wade Wilson, played by Ryan Reynolds. Vulgar and unforgiving, this movie was cutthroat (quite literally) from beginning to end. To some a breath of relief to not have a watered-down, humorous superhero movie, to others an insanely distasteful film, Deadpool became an instant hit, and offered Reynolds superhero redemption from his role in Green Lantern.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: March 20

This movie was greeted with a chorus of hoorahs and boos, both for or against their superhero of choice to win and for the quality of cinematography. The futuristic take on Batman’s suit as more of a samurai suit or armor than agile and the reprisal of Henry Cavill as Superman set the stage for next year’s Justice League movie (hence the name Dawn of Justice).

Captain America: Civil War: May 6

The “clash of the titans,” the “battle to end all battles,” the “biggest Marvel fight scene.” This movie had it all, from live action shots to CGI animated action. Marvel fans (like myself) ate this movie up, and exuded mixed reactions when Spider-Man swung in to save the day (much less the portrayal of Aunt May as pretty young). Will we ever see a bigger fight scene in a Marvel movie than what happened at that airport?

X-Men: Apocalypse: May 27

Personally I am not a fan of X-Men and have not followed it as I have followed Marvel. I haven’t even seen all the movies in the series – but this movie blew me away. Apocalypse as the villain was daunting, as any doomsday character would be, and the action scenes were fantastic. And Magneto’s rise back to power?? Come on, that was cool to watch even if you aren’t an avid fan.

Suicide Squad: August 1

Overwhelming or underwhelming, depending on your expectations going in, this movie brought rise to one of the best super-villains to appear on screen in a while – Harley Quinn. With Jared Leto’s Joker reprisal, the first time on screen since Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight, a bunch of bad guys fighting badder guys always makes for a great film (and a great soundtrack, nonetheless).

Doctor Strange: November 4

A mind-bending movie that literally threw us for loops through time, Doctor Strange pushed the Marvel cinematic universe forward greatly toward its future Infinity War movie. With rumors of an appearance in the movie, Dr. Stephen Strange’s genius would be a great asset to the Avengers.

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