20 Throwback Songs You Need To Listen To ASAP | The Odyssey Online
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20 Throwback Songs You Need To Listen To ASAP

Here are twenty songs that twenty-year-olds will remember from ten years ago.

20 Throwback Songs You Need To Listen To ASAP
Lee Campbell

This year, people born in 1997 will turn twenty years old. Personally, I can't believe that I will be two decades old. Where has the time gone? I'm almost done with my second year of college and in the next ten years, major changes will be happening in my life. So instead of speeding through life, I thought it would be fun to look back on the past, musically. Here are 20 songs people turning 20 this year will remember from 10 years ago!

1. 'All Summer Long'-- Kid Rock

This is possibly still the most overplayed song on the radio. Even though many people start to lose interest in songs that are on constantly, this one will never get old. It makes you imagine you are on a boat, in the middle of summer with all of your closest friends. Who doesn't want that?

2. 'Beautiful Girls'-- Sean Kingston

I love this track because it talks about how distraught he will be when it doesn't work out with a girl. He realizes how special this girl is and doesn't ever want to lose her.

3. 'Bet on It'-- Troy (From 'High School Musical')

We still remember all the words from back when we watched "High School Musical"all the time. This song reminds me of a triumph, and to be honest, we all need it at this point in the semester.

4. 'Bleeding Love'-- Leona Lewis

I think in my lifetime I've heard two of her songs, but that doesn't even matter, because this song is iconic. This track is about how Lewis thought she would never love again or find the one until she met this man. A lot of people can relate to this because they suffer awful break ups and think that there is nobody else out there for them.

5. 'Break Anotha'-- Blake Lewis

Some people don't know Blake Lewis, but he was runner-up to Jordin Sparks on season six of "American Idol". He combined any song with beat-boxing, which is why he was favored to win; he did something that the show had never seen, or at least had someone do well. I personally own all of his albums, but I'm sure that people only know this song, since it was released less than a year after his appearance on "American Idol".

6. 'Crank That'-- Soulja Boy


Sometimes I am embarrassed to say that I knew how to do this dance back in middle school. This was the go-to track at all of our dances. This is a good throwback song to listen to when you need a laugh. Why wouldn’t you laugh at the fact that this song was on the “Most Listened To Tracks” on your Ipod Nano. I laugh because I can remember the memories that go along with the song, and they are something that I will treasure forever.

7. 'Don't Blink'-- Kenny Chesney

Kenny Chesney's song is about time going by in the blink of an eye. He tells us not to blink because you'll miss everything, including significant moments in your, your children's and grandchildren's lives. I probably blinked before the year 2010 because it has gone by so fast.

8. 'Girlfriend'-- Avril Lavigne

"Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend"

From the woman who touched all of our lives with "Sk8er Boi", this is another song we will always bang our heads at like we were at a Metallica concert. This was our "rock" music in the sixth grade.

9. 'Good Girl, Gone Bad'-- Rihanna

This song is about the innocent girls that men take control over. Even though they know their girl will never cheat, they still keep them at home. This, in turn, drives them into turning from good to bad.

10. 'Johnny Cash'-- Jason Aldean

It's in the title.

11. 'Killa'-- Cherish ft. Yung Joc

This song was in the movies that my best friend and I watched a million times, and always say in the theater. The "Step Up" series was our favorite, and go-to movie when we had nothing else to do. "Killa" was in "Step Up 2: The Streets". We tried to make up dance routines to this song many times.

12. 'Kiss Kiss'-- Chris Brown ft. T-Pain

"Yo, this is Nappy Boy Radio Live."

Everybody turned into rappers when this song came on. That's all.

13. 'Last Dollar (Fly Away)'-- Tim McGraw

"and one, two, three like a bird I sing"

Tim McGraw is still one of my favorite artists. He has many albums filled with new and old songs. This one is still in my top five.

14. 'Last Name'-- Carrie Underwood

Okay Carrie, let’s not forget our own last names.

15. 'Low'-- Flo Rida ft. T-Pain

“She had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur”

I’m 95 percent sure that all of our generation knows every lyric to this song. To this day, we still try to get low when Flo Rida sings “low, low, low, low’

16. 'No Air'-- Jordin Sparks ft. Chris Brown

Jordin Sparks won "American Idol"and hasn’t disappointed us since, especially with this track.

17. 'No More Sorrow'-- Linkin Park

We knew about Linkin Park either from our older brothers or the fact that our parents finally let us watch "Transformers" (one and two)! This was about the furthest we ventured into the rock genre, except for Journey’s "Don’t Stop Believin’".

18. 'No One'-- Alicia Keys

“No one, no one, no oneeeee”

We will continue to sing this song with so much passion, trying to match Alicia’s voice. We have many times serenaded our friends, family, and complete strangers driving down the road next to us.

19. 'Online'-- Brad Paisley

Ah, Brad, the first to teach us how easy it is to be “catfished” or to “catfish” someone on the Internet.

20. 'Wait for You'-- Elliot Yamin

Yes Elliot, we will wait for you.

These are all oldies, but goodies. I hope that these tracks make it onto your favorite playlist because I can guarantee a flood of memories accompanied with a smile when they come on.

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