One Nation Under God
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One Nation Under God

A challenge to the body of Christ in such a difficult time

One Nation Under God

I’m so comforted knowing that God is not shocked by all of this. He isn’t up in heaven panicking because this world is so ugly. He isn’t confused by how all of this has happened. God knows. He IS all-knowing and he is not anxious nor does he fear. We were made in the image of God and it is possible for us to not panic, it is possible for us to NOT be filled with fear. Because we are his children it is possible for us to love those that we would normally hate. “God is never surprised or caught up short. He is never in a situation that overwhelms him. God never feels needy or unprepared. God never regrets that he did not do better.” His plan will go on. He will not be shaken by who did or didn’t make it into the White House. This was actually all a part of his beautiful plan of redemption, grace, and mercy. The beauty of grace couldn’t be revealed if it weren’t for the existence of sin and darkness in the first place. How beautiful is his grace? It amazes me that when all of this is said and done, we will receive the BEAUTIFUL gift of grace BECAUSE he loves us and BECAUSE we were dead to sin.

We aren’t called to judge, we aren’t called to hate, we aren’t called to panic, and we aren’t called to fear, we are simply called to trust, love, be unified, and help bring light to what He has already done on the cross. We are called to take part in building God’s kingdom and bringing people home? How do we do that? Love. (and that means loving everyone.)

Yes, we need Jesus to be with us in the midst of all of this chaos and confusion within our nation; within our WORLD. But we’ve always needed Jesus. That’s the whole point. We are humans, the darkness and sin comes from US, and we’re all in need of a very perfect Savior, filled with light. I’m not here to talk about the debates, I’m not here to talk about the politics or even who won or lost the presidency. I’m not here to talk about who now sits in the oval office, I’m here to talk about the only one who has been, is, and always will be on the throne and in control.

I’m not going to sit here and act like I understand why we’ve elected certain people to run our nation. I don’t. But it’s not my job to understand, it’s my job to trust and to love. We all lose our minds over who is going to run our nation, so much so that we take our eyes off of the Creator of the universe, who is running the Kingdom we are called to partake in. We worry and fear over the temporary positions when really we should be doing EVERYTHING WE CAN, to build the kingdom of God. One man doesn’t determine whether or not this nation will be great. God already determined that this world will be great and now more than ever we need to step into that calling by showing the love of God to others.

There’s nothing new here. We’re human, we fall to sin every day, we’re all broken and messed up, but God is still with us, he is still present and it’s STILL our job to be the light in the midst of such darkness. This has been the same story all along. The darkness in this world doesn’t mean that God is absent, it just means that humanity and sin is present. It’s our job to be the light.

As the body of Christ, where have we gone wrong? Between arguing and being hateful, when did we take our eyes and our focus off of Jesus? Can you imagine the change that would start taking place in this world if we all began putting our focus and eyes back on JESUS and just loving each other? What have we solved with being so hateful? Something has to change and it starts with us. We need unity.

You don’t have to sit in the oval office to change the nation. God is not up in heaven desiring for us to just sit around and wait for Jesus to come back to fix it all. His greatest desire is for you to realize that He has specifically called you to make a difference, here and NOW. All he wants in this moment is for you to realize that you have been called to help build the kingdom of God. How huge is that?! He doesn’t want you to just sit around waiting, He wants to see his children taking action by simply LOVING others. THAT’S IT. I’m not saying that it’s easy nor do I always succeed at doing so. But if we choose to lean on God and remember the love and mercy he has so sweetly given us, then by the Holy Spirit, it is possible to walk in love. If you need strength when it comes to loving others, (which is a very normal prayer by the way) then ask God for the strength to love others and see others through HIS eyes. We’re called to be the difference, as hard as that may be. If we want to change the world and be difference-makers then we have to start acting different than the rest of the world. The world that may not have witnessed the love of Jesus yet. It may be difficult, but it is SUCH an honor. With all that is going on, gossip, hatred, and fear are not the way to build on what God has already started. Love and trusting God is the only way.

In this difficult time in our country and even in our world, God is challenging his people to drop hate and pick up love. Really, all God wants from us is for us to lean on Him for everything. You need a new, fresh perspective? Lean on God. You need to get better at walking in love and dropping bitterness? Lean on God. Jesus already had to do all of this! Just because Jesus was Jesus doesn’t mean that it wasn’t hard for him to fight the temptation to hate those that were KILLING him. He walked in perfection because he fully committed his life to his Father. There was no sin in him because he was born by the spirit, BUT, he was being tempted day in and day out and if he had chosen to give in, the humanity in him would have won, but he didn’t give in. He didn’t give in because he knew that there was something greater on the other side of taking on God’s will for his life. He had to lean on his Father, a lot. All I’m trying to say is, yes, Jesus walked in perfection, but he was also half human, meaning that when he was tempted to do certain things, it was actually HARD for him, he just chose the path of leaning on the only source he knew that would be able to keep him from falling to that temptation. And we have that SAME opportunity!

We are called to be the light to this world. That’s why God has called you out and brought you into knowing about his love, because he wants you to use that love to make a difference. God isn’t looking for Christians to punch in their church card every week. He’s looking for Christians who genuinely represent Christ.

Like I said, this challenge has absolutely nothing to do with who is now in office. I’m really not shocked at all that has happened within our country in the last few days. We’re human, we are used to the ugly in this world. But now it’s time for things to change. It’s time for us to start really building God’s kingdom. This is all about the beauty of Jesus, because that’s all that we should be focusing on right now.

“A God of grace makes his invisible grace visible by sending his people of grace to reflect his grace to people who need grace.” God wants US to reflect His grace to people who need grace. You know who needs grace? Everyone. Me, you, our parents, our pastors, our friends, our family, your husband or your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend, those that don’t like us, those that in our natural humanity we don’t typically like, those that have wronged us, those we have wronged, those that are broken and sick, and strangers. Everybody needs grace because we are all human. When we choose to lean on God we can then represent that kind of love in a way that will truly make a difference.

God has placed us on this earth to specifically make his love, his presence, and his mercy visible. We owe it to Him after all that he has done for us to surrender our lives, our plans, and our hearts to his will. He’s just asking us to walk in love.

Let’s just call it like it is. The devil WANTS division. He wants to see the body of Christ RIPPED apart. His plan is to sabotage God’s plans, and right now, the devil thinks he’s winning. He thinks because he sees such ugliness that he is winning. But let me tell you, there’s NOTHING the enemy could try and do that would beat God. He already won and because he already won, so have we. When Jesus said “it is finished,” he truly meant it. He won. He defeated evil.

Psalm 22:27-28 “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.” God is on the throne and the kingdom of God has not been shaken by who is now in the oval office or any of the darkness that is in this world for that matter. Jesus was MADE to rule over darkness by his love and sacrifice. Sin doesn’t scare God. Take courage, we have nothing to worry about because of who our Source is.

Prayer: God, we just come to you, praying for our world. We need your light Jesus. We need your love. I just pray that you would guide all of us Lord, help us fight for unity and love Father. Clothe us with your love Father. Help us walk in love. I pray Lord that you would help our eyes be opened to see your plans and your people through Your eyes. Help us view through the lens of grace, the lens of truth. God, I pray for boldness for the body of Christ to step out and represent you well in this dark world. I pray for our leaders Father. I pray that you guide them in love. I pray that you would cover our nation. In the midst of such hate Father, I pray that you would guide US in love. Help us make a difference by spreading your name. We love you, we lift your name up. Be with us Father.

I believe in the body of Christ. God’s plan still stands firm. His kingdom will be built whether we decide to take part or not. But for the rest of my life, I WANT to live in the glory of God and if it takes starving my flesh and walking in love, then that’s what I will spend my life doing. Let your light attract others to Jesus and that means inside the church and out. We were sent here to make a difference in such a messed up world. There’s destiny attached to your name. Pick up your calling and walk in love for the sake of building God’s kingdom. God doesn’t need us to do this, he just wants us to stand in the beauty of His presence, loving his beautiful people. Grace is such a wonderful gift that we do not deserve at all, but by his LOVE, he has chosen to give us. Let’s do the same.

We are one nation, under God and we are going to be just fine.

Colossians 3:12-17

“12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. 16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

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