19 Things You'll Learn By The Time You're 19
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19 Things You'll Learn By The Time You're 19

Some important lessons that have taught me a great deal about life.

19 Things You'll Learn By The Time You're 19
Sydney Guenther

1. Don’t rush into everything.

Slow down. Appreciate what you have right now. While you think you may want to rush through every stage of life, take a breather and experience things in the now. There will be instances that you wish you would have slowed down and appreciated the moment.

2. Always be nice to people.

There will be many times in life when being mean or standoffish will seem like the easier thing to do, but being nice will always be the better move. I’ve learned that through just being genuinely nice, I have acquired more friends and started more conversations than could be possible if I shut people out. People are more willing to interact with you if you’re just a nice person. You also never know that battles people are facing. The positivity you radiate and sincerity you have could make all the difference to someone. It’s always worth it.

3. Your siblings will always have your back.

If growing up has taught me anything, it’s that your siblings are basically your live in best friends. Even though my sister and I may have gotten into silly fights growing up, I know now she will forever be my ride or die. She has been there through the darkest of moments with ice cream and open arms, and the happiest with praise and admiration. I can trust her with the deepest of secrets and know that she will forever have my back.

4. Your parents were right, even if you didn’t want them to be.

There were many times growing up that I believed I knew what was best for myself. Being sixteen and naïve I thought I had it all figured out. I know now that was far from the case. Reflecting back on it all, even though I didn’t want to admit it, my parents were usually the ones with the right answer. Many of the choices I have made reluctantly because of them, turned out to be the best decisions overall. While they did let me make my own mistakes, their advice would always lead me down the right path.

5. Your life won’t go as planned, and that’s okay.

The plan that you had at seventeen about where your life would be at twenty, yeah scratch that it’s not going to happen. Life has a funny way of going against plans, but that’s what makes it all interesting. Some plans are meant to be messed with and life throws curve balls all the time. While that may seem overwhelming and stressful, it’s just something that happens. The changes in life that you thought would be the biggest disasters actually turn out to be the biggest blessings.

6. Some friends are only meant to stay around for a little while.

I am a firm believer that people come into your life for a reason. Every person plays a key role in developing who you are. While it may be hard to accept, some people aren’t meant to have a long lasting role in your life. Things happen, people grow apart, opinions change, life happens, and while it may seem sad at first life goes on.

7. Being alone isn’t a bad thing.

Learning to be alone is a skill that everyone needs to learn. Being independent and self-sufficient isn’t a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Whoever tells you it’s strange to go out and do things by yourself is 100% wrong. It is normal to be okay with being alone, it’s a part of life.

8. Your life will not end in high school.

The drama of high school will pass. The embarrassing speech you had to make, no one will remember it. The time you tripped and face planted in the cafeteria, yeah someone may remember that, but it’s not the end of the world. Your life is so much more than high school. It’s the choices you make after it that really define who you are. So whether it was the best or worst experience of your life, high school isn’t the end, it’s actually only the beginning.

9. It’s okay to go out sometimes.

Your grades are important, but so are the memories you create in college. While the stress of school can get to everyone, it’s important to remember that college is a time to make memories and experience life. You certainly will not remember the night that you stayed in doing your homework, but you will remember the weekend you and your friends explored D.C for the first time. Some experiences are just as important as the grades.

10. It ALWAYS gets better.

No matter how dark the days get, life will always get better. There will always be a light at the end of the tunnel; there will always be sunshine after a cloudy day. Depression is a serious thing and is a topic that should not be taken lightly. With time and help from those around you, things will turn around. While the burden of it all can sometimes seem like it might be too much, you are always stronger than you think you are. It will always get better.

11. You don’t have to have it all figured out.

If you are the farthest from having it together, it’s perfectly normal. The guy who you sit next to in physics probably doesn’t have it figured out and the girl you talk to while walking to class probably doesn’t either. With the use of social media people make it seem like they have it all together all the time. People like to put up this mask of perfection and while it may seem like life for everyone is always together, their life is probably a mess too. If you don’t have it together by thirty there might be an issue, but being twenty and lost on the path of life is nothing to be worried about.

12. It’s okay to let go of your first love.

Being seventeen and in love is something I hope everyone gets to experience. The sheer joy of it is the thing fairy tales are written about. It’s a high like no other. I know I was blessed to be able to love someone like him. Having someone to turn to and to laugh with and be yourself around 24/7 is incredible. But the thing about being seventeen and in love is that people can grow apart. The two of you could grow into two of the most amazing people, but two people who have ended up on different paths. The ending may be one of the most gut-wrenching experiences you’ve ever encountered but with time you’ll remember the memories of them fondly, and with a smile.

13. Your mom will become your best friend.

She will 100% always be there for you. Even in the midst of a mental breakdown, she will be there with calming words and positivity. She will constantly remind you of your self-worth and be your biggest cheerleader. No matter what she’ll always be a phone call away. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have my mom by my side. I am lucky to be her daughter.

14. Mistakes and failures are an everyday part of life.

Long gone are the days of perfection. College can sometimes be one mistake after another. Bad choices, failing grades, nights you wish you could forget, mistakes happen every day. The faster you come to terms with this, the easier life will become. Failure is sometimes the precursor to success. The more you fail the closer success will be, the more mistakes you make the closer the right decision will become.

15. You can always start over.

You will always have a yesterday and a tomorrow; you can always start with a clean slate. While it may seem like it is too late to change things, it's worse to sit around and let your life unfold into something you do not like. Even if it seems too late, there is always a place to start and make yourself better. All it takes is the motivation for a better tomorrow.

16. Laugh at yourself.

I think I laugh at myself more than anyone else. I do some funny, awkward, downright embarrassing things sometimes; things that make me want to crawl into a hole and stay forever. A way I’ve learned to combat this is to just laugh at myself. If you laugh at yourself first, it will hurt less when other people do it. Learning to accept the things that have happened and admit that they are in fact funny enables you to worry less about what other people think, which just makes for a better quality of life.

17. Some people won’t like you and that’s okay.

I know that I am an amazing person and that I possess qualities that make me a great human being, but sometimes people just won’t like me. No matter how much other people like you and how much you know that you’re a decent human, some people will just decide not to like you. This is okay. People aren’t all meant to like one another. You may have qualities that they don’t like, they might not mesh with your personality, and they might even be great people too, but their opinions of you won’t matter in the long run. If you know that you have amazing people surrounding you in your life already, then you didn’t need them anyway.

18. Surround yourself with amazing people.

I have some of the most amazing friends. Friends who are going to change the world and make it a better place. I am surrounded constantly by people who make me laugh and smile and love life. Life is altogether better because I have them. Surrounding yourself with people who are kind and positive and who make you happy will only bring those things back into your life. The more you fill your world with people who make it better, the better life is going to be.

19. Forgive.

Hate only breeds hate. The longer you hold onto grudges and anger the worse it’s going to be. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot ember, it only hurts you. Forgive people, let go of the negativity, let go of the hate. Forgiving is not necessarily about helping the other person feel better, it’s most importantly about being able to lift your spirit. Forgiveness enables you to shed the negativity surrounding your life and letting optimism and positivity in.

"The views expressed, [in this article] reflect personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Naval Academy, the United States navy, any federal agency, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.”

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