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19 Snow Day Activities That Don't Involve Netflix

Don't spend your snow day behind a screen!

19 Snow Day Activities That Don't Involve Netflix
Netanya Brittain

Snow days provide endless opportunities, opportunities that often go down the drain in favor of extra screen time. Here are 19 alternatives that you just might enjoy more.

1. Go outside.

HAHAHA because that's the last thing anyone wants to do when it actually snows. Good snow days seem to become rarer as the years go on, so take advantage. Whether it's sledding, walking your dog around the block, or making snow angels, get out there and feel alive.

2. Treat yourself to a homemade breakfast.

3. Break out the bubble bath and cucumber slices.

A little sprinkle of self-care always does the trick.

4. Marie Kondo your life.

All those impulse purchases you've accumulated over the past several months? You probably don't need most, if any, of them.

5. Read a book (yes, they still exist).

6. Plan ahead for the warmer days to come.

It's bitter and miserable outside right now, but summer's coming and so is vacation.

7. Home video marathon.

If you happen to be snowed in with the fam, one of the best ways to avoid cabin fever is bonding over home movies.

8. Try a YouTube tutorial.

9. Dedicate your day off to learning a new skill.

If there's something you've always wanted to learn, now's the time.

10. Write a letter to someone you haven't seen in a while.

Grandparents adore letters, just saying.

11. Nap. Time.

...but don't sleep the day away.

12. Write that paper you've been putting off.

Now's the time to be an overachiever. Get it done and out of the way.

13. Give a new recipe a go.

Worst comes to worst, at least Gordon Ramsey isn't there to tell you what you already know.

14. Help out a neighbor.

15. Clean up your space.

16. File your taxes.

Not only is it snow day season, it's also tax season. Take the extra day off to knock out one of America's most-hated activities.

17. Clean out your inbox.

I don't know about you, but looking at the thousands of emails sitting in my account is a huge eyesore.

18. Board game extravaganza.

Monopoly and chill, amirite?

19. Create a masterpiece.

You don't have to be Rapunzel to create something beautiful. It can be a simple watercolor or color-by-number page, anything to get your creative juices flowing.

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