18 Things I Learned From Being 18
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18 Things I Learned From Being 18

Lessons to apply to life

18 Things I Learned From Being 18

When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to write about, I remembered that I created a list each year on how many things I learned at that age. I suggest you do it, too. It is a great way to keep the lessons you learned. I feel as though you can never stop learning about yourself, others, and the world. Each day really is a whole new learning experience. We can never relive the day we have right now in the time, place and the emotions we feel.

1. Go on all the adventures you can.

As a freshman in college, you feel as though you have to focus on not failing and stressed about all the tests, papers, and other academic stress. However, don't miss out on all the adventures you can go on. Just taking an hour out of your day to go on a hike with friends makes a big difference.

2. Don't worry about things you can't control.

The weather, the Wi-Fi not working in your place, and your mom constantly calling you. You already have so much to worry about, trust me, don't add the extra stress. Rain will ruin your favorite outfits, sometimes assignments will be turned in late and well, about your mom, you better answer some of those calls.

3. You don't have to be friendly with everyone.

I have always been the person that felt like I needed to be nice and respect everyone, but some people just aren't meant to be friendly. You have to look out for yourself because some people will take advantage of you and you need to see that sooner or later. I am a people-pleaser and sometimes that isn't healthy. You have to learn to say "No" eventually.

4. Study better, not longer.

I have always been the person that was jealous of people who could go into a test, studied for half the time I studied and earned an A. I always thought that it was no use to study sometimes, but I learned it wasn't that they were automatically smarter than me, but their study skills were just better than mine. Everyone will have different learning styles and you have to find yours. I know this sounds crazy, but for myself to learn, I have to sometimes talk or sing to myself just to make my learning sink in. Just find one that fits you too.

5. Be thankful for the little things.

After going through college freshmen year, I learned how much my friends and parents did for me when I was in high school that I took for granted. From home-cooked meals, spotting you for food, and giving money to you to go to the movies.

6. Be open to everything.

At the age of 18, being raised in the city, I thought I would have seen it all from different cultures, personalities, and places, but I was wrong. The age of 18 being able to go to clubs, drive others, and having a whole new range of possibilities opened my eyes that there are always new lessons to learn and people to meet.

7. Know how to take care of yourself.

Whether you are having a bad moment, day, week, or month. Know that even though academics, clubs, and everything else cannot be done the best if you are not in a good state of mind.

8. Surround yourself with people who support you and are straightforward with you.

I have a bad tendency to want to be friends with everyone and sadly, this isn't possible. People will take advantage of you, people will say things to make you feel good, and people will backstab you. The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes. Transitioning from high school to college you will really know who is actually going to be there for you as a true friend. Yes, it is nice to have those friends who are there to support you when you're doing well and looking great, but the ones who are there for you on your worst nights and when you're looking horrendous are the friends you want to keep for life.

9. Smile a lot more, it really goes for miles.

Everybody is going through a challenge and you never know who is in need of a, "How are you doing?" or a hug, but a smile is just as important. Spreading love and kindness is hard at times especially when you're having a bad day, but it might make a huge difference in someone else's life.

10. Don't say sorry about your personality, people should love you for you.

You are a changing person and that change is necessary. There will be things about you that people won't like and you won't like about them. However, true friendships will last thick and thin. Some friendships will be lost, some friendships gained and that is life.

11. When you're at a party, stay with your group and always make sure your designated driver stays sober.

When it is your first time in college, it seems nice to go out and party, but at the same time, you have to figure out who is going and who is driving. Always make sure to stay in your group so everyone is safe and make sure whoever is driving stays sober. There have been a few times when the wrong person is chosen and that is not okay. Make sure that the right person is chosen or even have a backup.

12. Have workout buddies and don't make the excuse you don't have time.

When I was growing up, I have always been a bit overweight and hated going to the gym because it was intimidating. I would make excuses in the sense of, "Oh, I have homework or I have a meeting" and so on, but when I got a workout buddy it was a lot different. My workout buddy pushed me to keep going and really made me feel good about my workout.

13. Plan out certain things.

Your friends and you will always be like, "Let's go here and here," but never get anywhere. Sometimes you just have to set a date and time and certain people won't be able to make it, but that's life. Eventually, everyone's schedule will be filled with school, work and clubs that there is no other way to have everyone at an event. Sometimes you have to make the tough decisions and choose a date that might not include everyone.

14. Make time to call your family and friends from home.

I am really guilty of not making time for my friends and family at home. I am so stuck in my schedule that I feel too busy to call my family and friends at home. However set aside time to talk to them, because it strengthens your bonds with them and also get to catch up on their lives.

15. Go to the library a lot.

When the place 'library' is mentioned I often think of it as a quiet place to get your books and read them. However, the library has many wonders untold. There are printing, group tutoring and studying, and a reference librarian. What is a reference librarian? Well, go to the library and find out.

16. Your friend's parents are sometimes the best friends anyone could have.

Sometimes your friend's mom calls you to check in on their daughter or will basically take you in like their child. At the end of my first year in college, I met my friend Liz's mom and she was just like that. As they call it in "Mean Girls," she's the cool mom. Just this last year when I went down to SoCal to meet up, I stayed at her house and it felt like home.

17. Know that food outside from the dining hall is a must from time-to-time.

Often times the dining hall can become repetitive and boring and you are in dire need of outside food. Go get it! Plan accordingly to your budget and then find some friends and go out.

18. Trust your instincts when it comes to other people.

I didn't do this my first year of college and stayed friends with certain people because I thought that since my other friends were friends with them that I could be, too. However, I was wrong. Trust your instincts when it comes to people. Because a friend of a friend may not be a good friend for you.

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