18 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18
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18 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18

Dying your hair blonde in your dorm room will never end well.

18 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18
Katie Rutherford

Being 18 is a weird time in life. You're technically an adult, but still mentally a child. With that being said, there are a lot of things I wish I knew when I was 18. Here are just a few:

1. It's OK to not know what you want to do with your life.

I will forever be jealous of the people who came out of the womb knowing what they wanted to do in life. You'll spend your first half of college questioning if you picked the right major, the right school, and everything else. You'll probably change your major, your friends, and your hair. And that's OK.

2. High School is not, and will never be, "the best years of your life."

There's probably an exception to this, but 9/10 times it isn't true. You'll find out how amazing the world is once you're no longer forced to be in a building learning about the Pythagorean Theorem with 1,200 people who you don't connect with.

3. Trying to go blonde with a boxed dye in your dorm room is never going to end in your favor.

I don't care how easy that girl on YouTube made it look. IT WILL NEVER LOOK GOOD. You'll just end up crying in your bathroom with orange hair at 2 a.m.

4. Take advantage of your time at home before leaving for or starting college.

"Home" will never be the same once you move away. Even if you're spending a month there, it will never feel like it used to. You'll be living out of your suitcase because all of your things are at your new home in a new city.

5. Your parents will always your best friends.

You won't realize this until you're 2 hours away, crying over something ridiculous and wanting nothing more than to spend another Tuesday night complaining to your mom while you watch Law and Order. You won't realize it until you want someone to go on random adventures with you at midnight, but your dad is two hours away. You'll realize how much they do for you and how lucky you are to have them.

6. It's OK to put yourself first.

"Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy." You'll realize you'll hate your entire life if you continue living to make others happy.

7. You will find the best friends you'll ever have in college.

After you realize you'll never talk to most of the people you graduated with ever again, your first week of college will bring you some of your best friends. You'll find the people who take you to the ER when you fall down the stairs and will also be there with a Cookout tray whenever your life sucks.

8. Random roommates aren't always terrible.

You'll be upset that you have to live in a dorm for a second year because you waited too long to get an apartment. You'll be more upset because you will have to have a completely random roommate that you barely speak to until move-in day. After move-in, they'll become one of your best friends. You'll find the person who is your roommate, friend, therapist, and cab driver when you get stuck at a concert (I owe you Cookout for that one) all in one. And you'll wonder why you were so terrified to live with a stranger.

9. Never sign up for 8 a.m. classes.

I know you've spent the last 12 years waking up at 6 a.m. but you will never be able to in college. Even when you live across the street from your first class and have a Chick-Fil-A right beside your building. You'll drop that 8:05 calculus class before you ever leave your bed.

10. Your first college relationship isn't going to last.

You'll think it's going to last forever, but it won't. You'll be upset for so long, but then one day you'll wake up and realize it was for the best.

11. You'll really miss high school sports.

As much as you complained about having practice when it was 12 degrees outside, you'll miss it so much. You'll join the club team and realize it's nothing like your high school team. You hated high school, but would give anything to be on that court one last time.

12. Your best friend will always come back, no matter how many dumb fights you get in.

I don't care what anyone says, best friend break-ups are so much worse than any relationship break-up.You'll meet the first week of college and realize how similar you are. You'll go through so much together and wonder how you ever lived without her. Then one day, you'll get in a fight and quit speaking for six months. They'll be the crappiest six months of college because you don't have your other half anymore, but it will eventually work itself out. It's then that you'll realize your best friend will always be your best friend.

13. Your dog isn't going to live forever.

Even though you already know this, you won't truly understand it until you come home from school and see her unable to eat or move more than one foot at a time. The puppy that used to chew holes in the furniture and destroy your dolls has finally gotten older than you. The day she dies will be one of the hardest days of your life.

14. An extra Oreo isn't going to ruin your three-mile run.

It's better to eat an Oreo and be happy than it is to eat celery and be sad.

15. Coffee and naps will become your favorite things.

You've hated coffee your entire life, but suddenly it's the only thing that can keep you awake during that 9 a.m. philosophy class. You'll also value sleep so much that you'll gladly walk 10 minutes back to your apartment for a five minute nap between classes.

16. Take lots of pictures.

You'll do some really fun things at this time in your life and you'll always wish you had taken a picture if you didn't. Pictures help the home-sickness you'll inevitably experience at some point. (Plus it makes decorating your dorm room a lot easier)

17. College football is far superior to high school football.

Nothing compares to waking up on Saturdays in the fall to spend the afternoon screaming "Rocky Top" until your voice is gone. Nothing.

18. Take advantage of being young.

You'll think you'll never get old, but you're wrong. One day you'll be sitting in your high school statistics class thinking about the tennis match you have tomorrow. Then one day, tomorrow becomes two years ago and you're a sophomore in college. Go on a spontaneous trip to the beach. Drink some wine with your friends at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday, or anything else you won't be able to do in 10 years.

Live for the moment.

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