16 Quarantine Activities To Fill Your Time & Soul
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16 Quarantine Activities To Fill Your Time & Soul

Have you ever wished to yourself that life would simply pause for a second, simply so that you could catch your breath and refocus your time, energy, and life? If so, this is your time- to take something negative and turn it into something beautiful.

Beauty of Los Angeles
100% Credit to @USA_LosAngeles on Instagram.

Suddenly, the Pause Button on life has been pushed. We've been granted so much free time that we have never been blessed with before- it's both a blessing and a curse. Although life is tumultuous right now and we're navigating completely unfamiliar territory, the fact still stands that we have time that needs to be filled- and we're sincerely lucky for that. Below are some activities that I've compiled together that might inspire you to take your time and make the most of it. For a lot of us right now, we're feeling pretty empty and depressed. I know that it's difficult to be isolated and have all of your thoughts bouncing around your head, so I decided it might be to the benefit of you guys to take some of he inspiring ideas below and start investing your newly found time into things of substance and meaning. Look at this "Quarantine" as an opportunity for growth and for self-awareness. The time is yours, and it is now.

1. Start a Clothing Line/Make your own clothes.

If you're anything like me, I know that you have a secret mass pile of dozens of articles of clothing that you Just. Don't. Use. SO- why are they sitting there? Put your creativity to the test and give a clothing line a try. You don't even have to sell the clothes. How DOPE would it be to get a compliment on your outfit and be able to tell the person that you made that piece yourself?

2. Start a YouTube Channel and produce your own unique content!

Starting up your own YouTube Channel is such a fan and exciting thing to do- YouTube is home to millions and millions of content producers formulating creative ideas they have always wanted to manifest. People love watching YouTube videos, and you never know, you could find a group of people that have the same exact passion as you-whether it be makeup, hair, art, fashion, video games, or sports. The possibilities on YouTube are absolutely endless, and there has genuinely never been a greater time to get started.

3. Research the lives of your role models and learn more about them!

Who are your Role Models? For me, I love the legacy of Michelle Obama, and I think the background and childhood of Tupac Shakur is so inspiring. Right now is such an uncertain and scary time, and I think it's a great idea to find hope, beauty, and inspiration in the actions of those that we look up to and admire.

4. Inspire yourself through creating art- drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.

Forget a Sleep Schedule- stay up at night dreaming of your future and everything you will be able to manifest and enjoy once this Quarantine is over. Drawing is a wonderful activity to take up time during this unexpected time period, just as painting and sculpting are, although the necessary contents in order to paint and sculpt are a bit more difficult to attain than colored pencils are!

5. Put the extra work into your schoolwork and accomplish that goal of crushing a 4.0 GPA!

There has never been a better time to raise those grades and exert all of the effort possible into getting those coveted Straight-A's!

6. Start a Podcast- your voice matters.

I have ALWAYS wanted to start a Podcast- and right now is the perfect time. Think of a unique idea and start the process by beginning with a list of topics you enjoy speaking about. Get a script together, and then figure out how to record and produce a substantial show that truly means something to you.

7. Start keeping up with the News/Politics! 

Right now is a good time to invest time in learning about politicians and those running for office during this year's election. In order to make a well-informed decision this November, you need to be educated, aware, and considerate of your personal beliefs and values, whatever they may be. Remember, your voice matters and so does your vote!

8. Socialize- but, like... distantly! Utilize this time to reach out to the relatives you never really have time to communicate with. 

FaceTime and Zoom are absolutely in their prime right now. There has never been a better time to start reaching out to old friends and relatives. Reminiscing is one of the best things to do right now, and we're blessed to have memories to look back on during these difficult and uncertain times.

9. Utilize this time to build up your Social Media Presence! 

Pretty much everybody is online right now- "Social Distancing" has made so that everybody is pretty much glued to their homes right now, making so that it's a wonderful time to clean up your Social Media and start building up an inspiring, content-filled profile.

10. Re-do your room!

If you're anything like me, you've probably already done this like ten times. Re-doing your room is an exciting and enticing task, and now is the perfect time to start a project. It doesn't even have to be your room- any room in the house is up for grabs to re-do and beautify!

11. Start a new Netflix Series!

All-American is my personal favorite, and I could truly watch it over and over again. each day. Netflix has a series for everybody, and passing time through binge-watching is very easy to do.

12. Find a new musician or band to geek out over!

Spotify is home to over 1.2 million artists. These don't just include musicians, but even some very inspiring Podcast Creators. There are dozens of albums to listen to for FREE. Currently, I'm listening to Kiana Lede's new album "KIKI" on repeat. If you're not a fan of Spotify, head over to YouTube, Apple Music, or Pandora and you can get the same immersive music experience.

13. Find your niche in baking or cooking! Or- try new restaurants by supporting small local businesses. 

I know that some ingredients are scarce right now, so for some, this activity is a little bit difficult to manifest. If you have the extra time though, and are fortunate enough to find the necessary products, right now is certainly a wonderful time to take the opportunity to try making dishes from all over the world that you never had time to before. Why not try making your own Hawaiian Rice Dish, or perhaps your own homemade Lasagna? You could try making your own Vietnamese Fao, or perhaps a Teriyaki Chicken Dish. The possibilities are endless, but if you're not the cooking type, then do good for your community by purchasing meals from local businesses that are currently struggling.

14. Make a Video Edit with all of the footage on your phone and in your Snapchat Camera Roll that you've never had time to put to good use!

Something BEAUTIFUL can result from the compilation of dozens of photos and videos from the past couple of years. Utilize the Video Editing tools on your computer that constantly go to waste, and self-produce a sentimental and memory-inducing masterpiece.

15. Construct a Daily Workout Routine and stick to it.

If you have Fitness Goals, there's no better time than now to formulate a routine and stick to it. While the gym isn't open, the open living room space certainly is, and the sidewalk out front of your house is still up for grabs!

16. Spend time with your family!

You can play dozens of card games, ranging from Apples to Apples, to Cards Against Humanity, to "What Do You Meme?" The possibilities are endless, and this time period is truly deal for getting closer with your family members and forming loving relationships that will extend out of the quarantine to the rest of your life.

There are a dozen more ideas that I could list that could help you make the most of your time, but I felt the above sixteen were some of my favorites, and I've definitely been taking advantage of these ideas. Remember that nothing lasts forever- and that is both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. Please stay strong during this Pandemic and remember that you are loved, you have potential, and you are full of strength. If you ever need anything or the silence gets too much to bear, feel free to reach out to me on Social Media. My Instagram is @taylorcontarino and my DM's are always open.

All The Love,

Taylor Contarino

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