16 Things You Can Do While You Wait Out A Hurricane
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16 Things You Can Do While You Wait Out A Hurricane

Commence the hurricane mini-party.

16 Things You Can Do While You Wait Out A Hurricane

Hurricane coming your way? No problem. Everyone handles the news of a hurricane coming their way differently. Some run out to grab batteries, flash lights, and generators. Others stock up on bottles of wine and party supplies. Whether you find yourself far on one side or somewhere in the middle of the "hurricane readiness spectrum," here are some ideas to keep you occupied while Mother Nature does her thing.

1. Have a wine night with your pet.

This does not mean pour a glass of wine for yourself and a glass for your pet. That would be horrific for their health. Instead, grab a bag of treats for the dog, wine for yourself, and while you're having staring contests and giving belly rubs, you both can indulge in your own hurricane mini-party.

2. Experiment with different makeup styles.

If you're a girl, you're guilty of scrolling through Instagram and YouTube, checking out different makeup tutorials. With a hurricane giving you some time on your hands, try out a tutorial or two! Consider attempting a look that you can rock every day, and one that's more out of your comfort zone for wilder nights.

3. Read a really amazing book.

Do you have an ever-growing book collection but never seem to find the time to read any? Here's your chance! Close your eyes, pick one out of the pile, and read away.

4. Test your baking skills.

With tons of baking videos on Facebook, find one that looks appetizing to you and bake away! If the power is out, find five ingredients in your kitchen and experiment. Just try not to burn the house down.

5. Organize your room.

For the messier section of society, this is your time to O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E. That's right, get out the vacuum and start getting your life together. All the clothes on your floor have a home in closets and drawers, and the dust that's floating around needs to go ASAP.

6. Take awesome storm pictures.

Hurricanes can bring torrential rain, angry clouds, and violent lightning. Capturing these insane pictures is a must, so get out your camera and click away.

7. Start a blog.

If you love to write and have a voice in your mind that won't shut up, then put them down on virtual paper! Starting a blog can be a great way to brush up your writing skills and get your ideas down. If you think you're uninteresting, write anyway. Someone out there will definitely think otherwise.

8. Write a bucket list.

Feel like you might die in this storm? Create a list of everything you want to do before you're on your death bed and stop at nothing to complete it!

9. Make a budget sheet.

Finances can be a hard thing to manage, especially if you're a constant spender. Group all of your expenses into categories like restaurants, gas, retail, etc. and every time you spend, write it in the appropriate section. If you're more tech-savvy, consider downloading an app to help you like Mint.

10. Become an ordained minister.

Have you ever wanted to wed a couple or perform other religious services? Take a course online to become a minister. Consider this site here.

11. Play poker with your roommates.

You don't need tons of money to have a great poker game. Grab your roommates and play for pennies, food, or even strip poker (if you're into that).

12. Attempt a yoga workout.

The sounds of the storm outside can be the perfect relaxant to accompany a yoga session. YouTube has thousands of yoga tutorials that you can follow along with and find your zen.

13. Binge watch a series on Netflix.

Netflix is constantly adding better content to their streaming service. Find a series you haven't watched before, make some popcorn, and binge watch until you get the notification asking "are you still watching?"

14. Have a push-up challenge with your roommates.

Hurricanes can bring along cabin fever, causing you to want to get up and move. Challenge your roommates to see who can do the most push ups. Whoever wins gets free drinks the next time you go out.

15. Give yourself a killer facial.

Your skin needs love too! Use the sounds of the storm to pretend you're at a spa and give yourself a facial. If you don't have any masks laying around, try layering plain yogurt on your face and leave on for 20 minutes. Your skin will be left feeling cleansed and your pores tight.

16. Play this entertaining online board game here.

If you and your friends are both sitting through the same storm, grab a board game and have some fun. To get more technical and a whole lot weirder, click the link above to play a quirky online version of a highly unique board game.

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