16 Reasons To Cherish Disney
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16 Reasons To Cherish Disney

Disney raised us since the 1990s to be the big kids we are today.

16 Reasons To Cherish Disney

With Finding Dory premiering in less than a week, and the fact that I’m already pre-ordering my movie tickets to go see it, I’ve done a lot of reflecting on how much Disney has impacted not just the 90s Kids but the entire world. Disney has been a major part of our lives because of the lessons taught, the enjoyment given, and magical stories to last us a lifetime. We’re well into our twenties and many moments have long been erased from our memories…except for Disney movies. Coincidence? I think not. Here’s a list of things I cherish about Disney.

1. Knowing the lyrics to every song in every Disney movie

I know you still sing, "Cinderelli! Cinderelli!" at the top of your lungs, don't lie.

2. Being completely entranced by the Disney animation

Yes, this is me and before you get all critical I bet you have an old baby picture lying around somewhere of you sitting in a Pamper’s Diaper, legs sprawled out, clutching Winnie the Pooh, thumb in mouth, and gaping at The Lion King or some other Disney movie your mom or dad pushed into the VHS Cassette player.

Admit it, this scene still gets to you.

3. Making several references to Disney in your everyday experiences

The premise of every friendship is based off of Woody and Buzz Lightyear.

4. Without Disney you would have no morals

Learning right from wrong since 1990 because let's be honest, our parent's generation was still having a hard time getting out of the crazy 80s.

5. Disney reveals to us that evil does in fact exist

No matter how hard our parents tried to shield us from the evils of this world, Disney showed us that betrayal, manipulation, murder, greed, etc., are all very much alive and present in the lives of all people on this earth, in some more than others.

6. Shows us that friendship comes in all different shapes, sizes, AND species

It doesn't matter if your one and only friend is a protective chameleon,

or an elephant named Tantor and a gorilla named Terk, your true friends will go to the ends of the earth for you.

7. Logic is overrated

8. Urges us to never give up on our dreams...

...and never, EVER break promises.

9. Warns us to never say: "It can't get any worse!"

Because it can, and it will.

10. There is at least one reference to other Disney movies in every movie

Rapunzel and Eugene visiting Elsa's Coordination,

Terk jamming out on the tea set in Beauty and the Beast leads one to ask:

By connecting the movies, Disney tells us that the world is small. Every shape, size, animal, human, alien, supernatural being, and toy deserves to be treated respect.

11. Make sacrifices for the ones we love

12. There is a lot more to a girl than her beauty

Men, notice how he waited to call her beautiful till the end?

13. Forgive deeply

14. 90% of the time there is a reason why the villains are the way they are. The other 10% are just pure evil.

Frollo murdered thousands of Gypsies--almost a whole race of people--because he was sexually attracted to them,

This horrible excuse for a prince,

And this monster who mutilated his toys and gave them different body parts.

15. Reminds us to never grow up

Fight society with everything you got when it threatens to destroy your imagination and bring you back to normal.

16. Be patient with love

Choose the right one…when the time comes you’ll know your person.

It’s the curse and blessing of being a 90s child. You never plan it, you don’t rehearse it, it comes to you like Pixie Dust. A memory of a saying from a Disney movie randomly pops into your head and you have absolutely no control over it. You can’t fight it or stop yourself from belting out: “YOU. ARE. A TOY!!!” for no reason at all.

The magic has been woven into our DNA; we will pass it down to our children and hopefully they pass it down to our grandchildren.

Disney is everlasting.

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