15 Words That Take on a Different Meaning When You Join a Sorority
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15 Words That Take on a Different Meaning When You Join a Sorority

15 Words That Take on a Different Meaning When You Join a Sorority

When I joined a sorority, there were a few changes in my life -- new friends, new t-shirts, new memories. All things that I knew came with the territory. One thing I did not expect, however, was a vocabulary lesson. Fortunately, it didn't take me long to realize that, when you go Greek, there are just some words that take on an entirely different meaning. 

1. Babies

Actual Definition:noun; a very young child, especially one newly or recently born 

Sorority Definition:noun; The newest members of a sorority. Synonym: future littles.

“I can’t wait for new babies this fall!”

2. Basic 

Actual Definition:adjective; having a pH greater than 7.
Sorority Definition: adjective; The word used to describe any sorority girl with a love for oversized T-shirts, chacos, fleece-lined leggings, flannels, and pumpkin spice lattes. Can usually be found instagramming said items. 

“Give her a Starbucks gift card. Basic betches love that sh*t.”

3. Big 

Actual Definition:adjective; Of considerable size, extent, or intensity. Sorority Definition: noun; Your older, wiser, perfect go-to person for advice on all things in life. The girl you strive to be like. 

“Literally OBSESSED with my big."

4. Chapter 

Actual Definition:noun; A main division of a book, typically with a number or title.

Sorority Definition: noun; A dreaded weekly meeting that sometimes lasts a little too long. 

“Well at least it’s a dress-down chapter tonight.”

5. Crafting 

Actual Definition: Did not exist b.s.l. (before sorority life) 
Sorority Definition: verb; The ultimate activity for any sorority girl; the art of painting canvases, coolers, and paddles all by hand; typically includes lots of mod-podge, glitter, and inspirational quotes. 

“I spent more time and energy crafting for my little than I did studying for finals.” 

6. Dress-up 

Actual Definition:noun; A game played by young children; involves trying on various clothing and accessories and/or pretending to be a favorite character.
Sorority Definition: verb; The act of putting together the perfect outfit for theme parties, date nights, and socials. Usually involves items of clothing found at the thrift shop. 

“What are you gonna dress up as for the Famous Couples function?” 

7. Family 

Actual Definition:noun; A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
Sorority Definition:noun; the sorority lineage consisting of littles, grandlittles, bigs, and grandbigs. 

“My family is literally perfect.” 

8. Formal 

Actual Definition: adjective; done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion.
Sorority Definition: noun; the biggest event on the Spring social calendar; A prom re-do for some; an excuse to buy a new dress and get your hair and makeup done. 

“Why do I always find a dress for formal before a date?"

9. Greek 

Actual Definition: noun; a native or inhabitant of modern Greece, or a person of Greek descent.
Sorority Definition:noun; a way of life; the group of people that throw the best parties on campus while still maintaining the highest GPAs. Synonyms: Sorostitute, Frat Star.

“Going Greek was the best decision I've ever made."

10. Literally 

Actual Definition:adverb; in a literal manner or sense; exactly.   
Sorority Definition: adverb; A staple in any basic sorority girls’ vocabulary. 

“Literally, I can’t even.” Or my personal favorite, “Literally Kim, you’re being so rude.” 

11. Little 

Actual Definition: adjective; small in size, amount, or degree.   
Sorority Definition:noun; The girl you shower with gifts, love, advice, and affection. Typically paired with the word perfect, or flawless.

“My little is too perf.” 

12. Shack 

Actual Definition: noun; a roughly built hut or cabin
Sorority Definition:verb; To spend the night at a boy’s fraternity house, apartment, or dorm room. Usually includes a walk of shame the next morning. If you’re lucky, it might include a shack shirt.

“I shacked with a freshman and didn’t even get a shirt out of it.” 

13. Sister

Actual Definition: noun; a woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents.
Sorority Definition:noun; The girls that cry with you, laugh with you, and promise to destroy any boy that breaks your heart. Not blood-related, but always there for you nonetheless. Synonyms: Best Friend, Soul mate, supporter

“Sisters make the bad times good and the good times unforgettable.” 

14. Standards 

Actual Definition: noun; a level of quality or attainment

SororityDefinition: noun; The council you are sent to when you’ve partied a little too hard or broken some other rule. 

“I can't believe I'm getting sent to Standards...again."

15. Thrift Shop 

Actual Definition: noun; a store selling secondhand clothes and other household goods, typically to raise funds for a charitable institution.
Sorority Definition: noun; The ultimate place to find flannels for fall, high-waisted shorts for summer, and tacky outfits for any theme party. 

"Hey Macklemore, can we go thrift shopping?"

So thank you, Greek Life, for providing us with a little lesson when it comes to vocabulary. These words wouldn't have the same meaning without you in our lives. 

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