15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were A 2000s Kid
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15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were A Kid In The Early 2000s

This brings back ALL the memories and makes me want to be a kid again.

15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were A Kid In The Early 2000s

If you didn't experience at least 10 of these things, I would guarantee that you weren't born in the early 2000s. These 15 items were all a vital part of my childhood. They are what shaped and created my memories.

I had forgotten about these items until I did a little bit of digging on the internet, and once I reminisced about the past, I was so happy. Oh, what I would give to go back and experience everything I did as a small child.

I went through this list with my 10-year-old sister and she only knew 3 out of the 15. She definitely missed out.

Keep reading to see some of my favorite childhood memories.

1. DragonTales


I so wish I had their colorful dragon scale. I can still hear their chant... "I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart." I loved this fun show.

2. Kid Cuisine

Okay, yeah, these were gross, but you have to admit the pudding and sprinkles were worth it. I can still taste the chicken nugs.

3. Polly Pockets


THESE WERE THE BEST! I remember I had about 50 little dolls and about a thousand rubber outfits for them. I would spend hours on end styling them.

4. Nintendogs

This seriously brings back so many memories that I forgot I had. The only thing I clearly remember is taking the dogs for walks whenever I could, just to pick up presents. This game will always have a piece of my heart.

5. Silly Bandz


Pretty sure we all sold or traded these on the bus. If you didn't have your whole arm covered, you weren't cool. I remember very clearly in fourth grade when I had all my Silly Bandz on two carabiners and I thought I was alllll that.

6. Blockbuster


Oh man, I miss this store. Blockbuster was literally a part of my family. Going in and picking out movies was such a treat for me, and I will never forget it.

7. Lip Smackers


Ohhhh girl, you best have had these at some point in your life. I know I had all the soda Lip Smackers. Oh, and fun fact, one time in second grade, I was in gym class and I ate the whole freaking Lip Smacker. Not kidding. My friend joined in too.

8. Lite Brites

My Lite Brite was all fun and games until I lost all the little pegs :( It's okay though -- none of my pictures looked good anyways.

9. DSi


Oh. My. God. Pictochat. The OG camera filters. Playing until 10 pm when bedtime was 8 pm. I never parted with my DSi. Until I lost it at a local amusement park in fourth grade. Along with all my games (INCLUDING NINTENDOGS and my Super Mario game that had ALL the levels completed). I was mortified. I still am honestly.

10. Gimp


I used to make these until my fingers bled. I was the gimp master. Kinda want to try it again sometime ngl.

11. Easy Bake Ovens


Okay I hated these but I thought I was cool for having one because I could "bake on my own".

12. Maya & Miguel


THIS SHOW. Oh my goodness. I don't really remember much, but I do know that I love it.

13. BrainPOP


Gosh when this came on in the classroom, we knew it was going to be a good day. BrainPOP saved me in school many times.

14. Mr. Sketch Scented Markers


No, I didn't smell them 24/7. Well? Maybe. I won't reveal my secrets.

15. Floam


I remember getting in trouble for covering my Christmas presents in floam after I opened them. I put some in my new Cabbage Patch kid's hair and ruined it. Sorry grandma and grandpa.

16. WordArt

The younger me is so happy right now. I would get so creative with these. I feel bad for all the kids who didn't get to use WordArt. It was truly a gem.

17. The Magic Treehouse


I read every single book about 5 times each. I am not ashamed either. Jack and Annie have all my love.

18. Lisa Frank


I am embarrassed to say that I loved Lisa Frank. I kind of remember the felt coloring pages where like the outlines of the picture were felt. I may be wrong but I feel like that's somewhere in my memories.

19. Trix Yogurt


Way better than Gogurt. Way better than Yoplait. Way better than Activia. TRIX ARE FOR KIDS.

20. Flying Fairies


Oh my baby. I loved this little toy. It would occupy me for hours so I bet my parents loved it too. :)

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