15 Things Irish Women Can Relate To
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15 Things Irish Women Can Relate To

Embracing our heritage one cliché at a time!

15 Things Irish Women Can Relate To

We all have heard the Irish women clichès before! We hear the stereotypes of these beautiful creatures with livers of steel, crazy beyond our comprehension, and tempers to match. Us Irish women hear these stereotypes and cheer them with a shot of Jameson. My beautiful and fiery family and friends, this one's for you!

1. Not being taken seriously as bad ass warriors when we drink whiskey.

We may be beautiful women who are seemingly defenseless but we can handle our own. When challenged sober our response is usually a middle finger and a whole lot of trash talking. When you add whiskey into the mix us, little warriors are likely to pick up a bus and hit you with it.

2. Often people misread us. We do not have psychopathic tendencies… it’s called a colorful personality.

OK so maybe we are a bit passionate. We probably shouldn’t smash lamps into walls when someone or something hurts our feelings… or maybe that someone or something should have thought twice about hurting our feelings to begin with. We are very sweet human beings but we don’t much care for being disrespected. If you stay on our good side I promise it will be a fantastic friendship/relationship. We may have tempers but they really only flare at the appropriate time… like when a drive-thru gets your order wrong for the millionth time in a row and now you have to drive your car through the dining room window of their establishment to show them just how serious you are about the fries they keep forgetting.

3. A hot cup of tea fixes literally any ailment ever.

Do you have the flu? Drink a cup of tea. Do you have the chicken pox? Drink a cup of tea. Did you get sun burnt? Drink a cup of tea. Do you have a migraine? Drink a cup of tea. Did your six year old just tell you she has a boyfriend? Drink a cup of tea.

4. If you tell us to do something we will absolutely not do it.

We have no problem doing chores around the house. We will literally cater to our man’s every need and want… but the second you tell us that we have to do something I would highly advise you duck, cover, and prepare to do whatever it is you wanted yourself.

5. We hit first and talk later.

We are passionate creatures. If we feel happy, we smile. If we feel sad, we cry. If we feel amused, we laugh. If we feel angry, we will sucker punch you in your face. We might ask you what the problem was exactly afterward… or we might just go back to our Jameson and move on with our lives.

6. Not only can we drink men under the table… we also carry them to bed after.

Men pride themselves on being able to do a lot of things better than women… until they spend a night shot gunning beers and chugging whiskey with us beautiful ladies. But they need not fret, because when they have finally had enough we will make sure they get to their bed at the end of the night, even if that means carrying them on our backs.

7. Sometimes whiskey is breakfast.

Have you ever woken up so hungover that you reach for your eight hour old Jack and Coke on the coffee table and swish it around like mouth wash? Yeah.

8. Your family get togethers consist of excessive alcohol consumption and talking shit.

It wouldn’t be a regular family get together unless dad is drunk and screaming at the neighbors on the front lawn, grandma is practically begging you to have more babies, and you and your sister are in a fist fight in the living room due to low blows posted on social media. Your brother MIGHT chime in with a fat joke if he’s feeling extra brave that day.

9. What the f**k is a compliment?

For one reason or another, when someone compliments us we either think that they are lying or punch them in the arm and laugh awkwardly until the subject is changed. No one is really sure why this is, but it is a struggle nonetheless.

10. Can you Irish step dance?

The answer is no. The answer will always be no. Just because we are Irish does not mean we can Irish step dance. But if you come back from the bar with a glass of Dewar's and a Jameson and ginger then we might forgive you.

11. “Kiss me I’m Irish!”

These shirts for St. Patrick’s day never made sense to me. I mean really, go up to a random Irish woman and kiss her… You’re likely to spend a night in intensive care with a beer bottle shoved in a place that you would not want a beer bottle to be shoved.

12. Is the heat even on???

It doesn’t matter if it is the middle of summer or the middle of winter… we are freezing. Our delicate porcelain skin apparently cannot retain any heat, and we will continue to live our lives in sweaters, sweatpants, and hoodies no matter the weather.

13. You’re an idiot.

Us Irish women love challenges in a relationship. We love the passion of fighting and then making up. We rarely whisper sweet things in your ear, we mostly just tell you that you’re annoying and hope that you hear our “I love you”. We have a hard time letting men know that we are vulnerable enough to love in the first place.

14. We make the best Best Friends.

We make excellent partners and wives because of our charming conversations and our sense of humor. Dating an Irish woman is like having a guy friend except she’s a beautiful woman that you can take to bed at the end of the night.

15. We love the Irish stereotypes.

In all honesty, Irish stereotypes don’t bother us. We love every single thing about them. We love our tempers, we love our whiskey, and we love our dysfunctional families. Irish women are a whirlwind of passion and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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