After being a student at AU for almost a full year, I have been able to compile a list of the things students say. These quotes reveal the what the real struggles and thrills are for an AU student.
1. "Boulevard is so far away from everything. It takes me three minutes to get to the dining hall."
Little do we know that 3 minutes is a walk in the park compared to how long most students at other colleges have to walk.
2. "Did you get all of your chapel credits yet?"
There are 16 chapels a semester and we are required to go to 8. You plan on going to the first 8, but it never works out that way.
3. "I just climbed Mount Merritt."
Climbing up AND down all of the stairs in Merritt would be the equivalent of doing a CrossFit workout.
4. "You know that Sullivan is haunted, right?"
It is a known fact that Sullivan is haunted. Why? I do not know. You just gotta believe it.
5. "It's chicken finger Thursday!"
A lot of students at AU live for the night the Dining Commons has chicken fingers.
6. "You know, our football team has been undefeated since 1911."
No need to mention that we don't have a football team.
7. "Why are the sidewalks being watered?"
The sprinklers are supposed to water the grass, but they tend to miss the grass and flood the sidewalks.
8. "I eat Chick-fil-A almost every day."
Having a Chick-fil-A on campus is convenient when you want to grab a quick bite to eat...maybe a little too convenient.
9. "Why doesn't the transit stop in front of Merritt anymore?"
We used to be able to come right out of our dorms and hop on the transit. Now we have to walk to the library or Sullivan, which is one whole minute away, to hop on the transit.
10. "Clayton King is preaching?! Aww yeah!"
Clayton King is quite popular with the students at AU.
11. "So I nearly got hit in the crosswalk in front of Boulevard this morning."
It doesn't even matter if you hit the crosswalk button, cars will still go zipping through. I actually saw my life flash before me a couple of weeks ago when I attempted to safely cross.
12. "Should I skip the cross walk and just jaywalk?"
Even though there is a fine for J-walking, students still consider doing it...some even go through with it.
13. "Wait, didn't they tear up that same sidewalk last week?"
There is always construction going on at AU, not with buildings, but with the sidewalks. The sidewalks will get torn up even though there is nothing wrong with them.
14. "Wanna sit on the white swings?"
Tale has it that if you sit on the white swings three times with the same S.O., you guys will get married.
15. "I try at all costs to avoid taking classes at the A.C."
In order to get to the A.C., you have to take the transit. The problem is that you never know when the transit will stop to pick you up.