15 Reasons We Love Norman Reedus | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons We Love Norman Reedus

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15 Reasons We Love Norman Reedus

For everyone that knows me (or at least has read my previous articles) many of you know I'm a huge dead head. For those of you who don't know what that means it means, I'm a big freaking nerd when it comes to The Walking Dead. Practically all of the articles have been fan-based and TWD oriented. Of course as every Dead head has, i have my pick of choice for favorites and yes it is of course some one many of TWD fan-girls adore. Two words that make red neck look absolutely HOT!!! Bet you thought I was going to say Andrew Lincoln, right? Nope!! My guy is Norman Reedus.

Now I don't know about you, but a huge pet-peive of mine just so happens to be when girls only adore him for being in The Walking Dead. Yet that's not what I'm writing about in this article. A lot of men and women (when questioned about why they find him so appealing) seem baffled as to why. Of course there's that rugged charm, and strong persona. Not just that, but those chizzled good looks make many girls fall victim to this zombie killers stud and charms. Again the question stands, what are the other reasons we love actors like Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Steven Yuen, even Jon Bernthal (on occation)? Well I'm here to give you

15 reasons we love Norman Reedus.

1. That smile

I mean, come on.

2. 'The Walking Dead' is life

We cry tears of despair in the off season, anxiously awaiting Daryl's return to our lives.

3. His acting chops

It's a proven fact: Talent is sexy.

4. He looks good bearing a single rose

Norman Reedus for Season 21 Bachelor?

5. He DGAF

And what's hotter than that?

6. He snuggles kittens

Stop it. Stop it right now with the cuteness.

7. He's into emojis

He may be 47 years old, but he's a millennial at heart.

8. He's not afraid of a great bromance

We love seeing him lay a juicy, wet one on Andrew Lincoln.

9. 'The Boondock Saints' is badass

And so is Reedus.

10. He ain't nobody's bitch

You tell 'em, Norman.

11. He manages to make smoking look sexy

Even though it's disgusting and worse for you than being chased by a pack of rabid zombies.

12. He seems so down-to-earth

Don't you just love it when a celeb manages to stay so grounded?

13. He seems to genuinely love his fans

A little appreciation goes a long way.

14. He's a real-life hero

Reedus and co-star Steven Yeun jumped to action to help some car crash victims in May 2016.

15. He's kind of an ugly crier

But it just makes him that much more endearing.

And there you have it. 15 Even BETTER reasons for you to enjoy Mr. Reedus. My next article will be on Andrew Lincoln and hopefully the reasons will be just as justified!

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