Your favorite moments from "The Fosters"
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14 Times "The Fosters" Got You In Your Feels

Who didn't want to be a part of the Adams-Foster family?


Although "The Fosters" has come to an end, the show will always remain as one of my favorites. It taught watchers so many different lessons, like the importance of acceptance and unconditional love. If you're a real fan of the show, like me, you are constantly rooting for the mommas and kids to follow their dreams and be happy.

I sobbed at the finale, especially when they showed flashbacks of past moments in the show. Even though there's no more new episodes coming our way, I will always rewatch it when I need a good cry or feel like I need to catch up with the Adams-Foster family.

The show created countless moments of love and laughter, most of which had you either smiling or sobbing. Those moments that made you hella emotional were without a doubt the best ones.

1. Lena and Stef's wedding.

It was such a great moment seeing these two finally make their love official surrounded by all of their family and friends. Love is love!

2. Callie's adoption.

Everyone's heart broke when Callie couldn't get adopted with Jude. When her day finally came, I was so happy she was finally part of a family. Her struggle through the foster care system went on way too long.

3. DNA doesn't make a family. Love does.

This was the moment of all moments. When Lena told Mariana that she was meant to be her mother, it showed just how much this family loves each other. They are truly something special.

4. Jude's blue nail polish.

When the kids at school made fun of Jude's nail polish, Lena told him that he should never hide what makes him different. But the best moment about Jude's blue polish was when Connor wore it too to make Jude feel better. So fricken adorable.

5. Mike's complete acceptance of Stef's new family.

Although Mike's life changed completely when he got divorced and Stef began dating Lena, he never once held a grudge. He was always a great father to Brandon and so accepting of the life Stef was meant to have. Not once did he show any kind of resentment towards Stef or Lena. What an awesome guy.

6. The adoption story of Jesus and Mariana.

Seeing the tragic childhood Jesus and Mariana had to go through with their drug addict mother was so upsetting. Thankfully, Stef and Lena were able to give them the loving and safe home they deserved. These two were also the people that created a family for Stef and Lena, which makes their adoption even more special.

7. Justice for Jack.

After Jude's friend, Jack, was killed in his foster home, Callie took initiative. She has always been passionate about foster care reform, but creating this campaign for Jack was where we really saw how important this issue was to Callie. Her passion for this campaign lead her to the realization that she wanted a career as a lawyer.

8. When Stef and Lena explained to Jesus he isn't broken.

After experiencing a traumatic brain injury, Jesus' personality went through some drastic changes. His family kept making him feel like there was something wrong with him, so the mommas sat down to explain to him he is still their son and they love him unconditionally. Definitely one of the moments on the show where I cried the most.

9. When Mike told AJ he would always be there if he needed him.

Mike wanted to adopt AJ, but AJ said no because he wanted to live with his brother when he got out of jail. It was hard to see Mike so upset, but he put AJ's wants above his and told him he'd always be around if he ever needed anything. Again, can Mike be any more awesome?

10. Seeing how much it hurts Stef to constantly save Callie's ass.

After the millionth time of Callie putting herself in danger, this time going to a pimp in place of another foster girl, Stef nearly loses it. After rescuing Callie, Stef explains to her that she can't keep putting herself in situations that could end with death, and she needs to start valuing her life. Seeing how much it hurts Stef finally puts Callie in her place and makes her realize she isn't invincible and can't save everyone.

11. When Lena finally became principal of Anchor Beach.

This was a long time coming. Lena was one of the founders of the school, and it was so great to see all of the teachers and faculty support her. Long live Principal Adams-Foster!

12. Watching all of the Adams-Foster kids graduate high school.

Seeing all the kids accomplish their dreams was the most heartwarming of all. Callie going to law school, Mariana and Emma going to MIT together, Brandon getting into a college that he doesn't get kicked out of. It was all great! Plus, Lena's speech was a real tear-jerker when she explained how her family is everything to her.

13. Brandon and Callie choosing their family over themselves.

I thought Brallie would be end game, but thankfully Brandon goes through with his wedding in the finale. I think it would've been a little weird if him and Callie ran off together, considering they've been siblings for several years now. It tugged at my heartstrings when the two admitted their each other's best friend at the end of the finale. However, I am a bit torn because I always root for first loves. But family is everything, especially when it comes to the Adams-Foster's.

14. Getting a spin-off that follows Callie and Mariana.

This was one of the best announcements yet! I was so not ready to say goodbye to "The Fosters", and thankfully Freeform answered my prayers. Getting a spin-off that lets us into the lives of Callie and Mariana in Los Angeles is just what I need to get over the devastating ending of the show. I just hope the original Fosters cast make some frequent cameos!

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