5. "I'ma get back on my feet, give me a minute/I'ma feel this in my thighs, like evenin' it" | The Odyssey Online
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14 Lyrics From Solange's 'When I Get Home' Album That Will Make You Boujee AF

Beyonce's sister has been making headwaves under the radar after Bey's rise to stardom. She just doesn't expect you to react like you do right now.

14 Lyrics From Solange's 'When I Get Home' Album That Will Make You Boujee AF

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In 2016, Solange Knowles dropped the highly anticipated "A Seat At The Table" album that caught many off-guard. Being the younger sister of music goddess Beyonce, Solange built her own path without relying on her sister's legacy. Her subtle tone, complex lyrics, and heartfelt passion can make anyone feel good or bad depending on their interpretation. "When I Get Home" dropped on March 1st, and again people were not expecting it . She promoted the album only 24 hours ahead of its release, and that's all it took for her fans (and new ones like myself) to flock to it. Here are 16 lyrics from the new album that will make you feel 100% all the time.

1. "Take it all home and they feel it all the way"

"Stay Flo", track 6.

2. "Pour my drank on 'em"

"Almeda", track 9. Mad flexin' at the club, I see.

3. "Moment of you/Get into that moment of you"


"My Skin My Logo", track 11.

4. "And it gives me hope for the trials/And the fear of the unknown that moves too close"

"Time (is)", track 10. Never leaving your bae in the dust, mad respect.

5. "I'ma get back on my feet, give me a minute/I'ma feel this in my thighs, like evenin' it"

"Binz", track 14. If this ain't the sexiest lyric ever...

6. "I saw things I imagined"

"Things I Imagined", track 1. Very Frank Ocean-esque beat right here, so check this out STAT!

7. "I'll be your vessel/I'll do it every time"

"I'm A Witness", track 19. Such loyalty to the person you love or are with at the moment. No fuckboys allowed, basically.

8. "Fill up, give them the world and I know you better than them"

Yeah, definitely no one night stands allowed, fam. ONLY TRUE LOVE.

9. "He think I don't want to tear it up/We came all night long, won't you let it up?"

"Sound of Rain", track 17. The production of this album and the lyrics is overloading my feelings. Someone call 911.

10. "You love me, love me"

"Beltway", track 15. Facts, yo.

11. "We were wild and entertained, goin' the whole day"

"Down with the Clique", track 3. Summer 2k19, anyone????

12. "Please take the wheel forever/With you I feel forever/Show me the way to never/Down where you'll stay forever"

"Exit Scott (Interlude)", track 16. Was Solange tryna get me feeling mad lonely cuz I'm single (but boujee) AF?

13. "Call me when you're on the way to the coast"


"Way to the Show", track 4.

14. "Nothing without intention/Do nothing without intention"

"Nothing Without Intention (Interlude)", track 8. SRSLY THIS ALBUM IS AMAZING.

There you have, peeps. Enjoy "When I Get Home", available on all streaming platforms (apparently Apple Music has an exclusive film about it, too)!

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