14 Blogging Mistakes A Blogger Makes
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14 Blogging Mistakes A Blogger Makes

And How To Put Them Right

14 Blogging Mistakes A Blogger Makes

In this time and age, the easiest way to connect and engage further with your customers is by blogging. And for this reason, many businesses whether small or big have recognized the powerful impact a blog can have on business achievement, which is important. But one major challenge is that their blogs are going nowhere which gets them discouraged at the lack of results and finally giving up on blogging completely. So, are you worried about getting the results you desire as a blogger?

In this guide, you are going to learn the mistakes that most bloggers make and also how you can put them right.

#1 Blogging Mistake- Not Having A Strong Niche

A blogger needs focus. You can not be everything for everyone. You must clearly define what your mission for blogging is. For instance, if you are writing about dogs, you should not waste time and energy writing on online jobs.

Try and write on what you are passionate about because by so doing you can never get enough to write about.

#2 Blogging Mistake- Inconsistency

Like I said earlier, blogging is like any other business. A blogger needs to start and keep to it. Many newbies expect to start a blog and see it receive a lot of traffic quickly. When this does not happen, they become impatient and frustrated and finally give up without even giving their blog a second chance. Patience in blogging pays. When you start blogging you need to keep to it.

Remember that consistency, interesting and relevant posts will demonstrate your enthusiasm for your business and clients. Entrust yourself to the upkeep of your blog. You can start to put more effort, for at least one blog post per week then work your way up.

#3 Blogging Mistake- Not Connecting With Your Readers

Another mistake that a blogger makes is to misunderstand who their audiences are. Misunderstanding the audience simply means that the topic is right but you do not connect with the audience. As a blogger, it is wise to understand the problems that your audiences are facing so that you may convey helpful information that will solve their problems. Let me say again that "content is king", and for that reason, you should provide value in your content for your readers. Readers are self-centered because they like the information they can use; in that context, avoid writing posts that are full of information that an audience can not put to use.

#4 Blogging Mistake- Focusing On Money

A blogger can start a business focusing on making money, which is not a bad thing. However, I would like to emphasize that if you put too much concentration on making money, you will never write good articles. Lack of good articles can easily kill your blog since people will not have trust with you because all they will know about you is that you are more of a marketer than a blogger. Whenever you are writing your articles, always picture yourself as the receiver of the content you're producing and by this, you will think completely different.

#5 Blogging Mistake- Using Big Words

I can guarantee it that we have all, at some point made this mistake while blogging. The use of vocabularies is common to many bloggers. You can add vocabularies so that your post may look executive, BUT what you do not know is that they make your post complicated and your readers will not understand. This may really affect your business since prospective clients would leave your site and never come back because of using big words that they do not understand.Avoid writing your content like you are writing for PhDs. Learn to use simple language that your readers can understand.

#6 Blogging Mistake- Lack Of Supporting Images

Many bloggers use images that do not support their key messages. While some do not use any images at all. Images help readers to extract the messages at a quick look and improve your blog CTR. Sometimes proper images can really be self-explanatory. Using the right images can take your blog to another level since your readers will have an easy time going through your posts, hence encourage them to participate more in your blog. Never forget to alt-tag your images.

#7 Blogging Mistake- Neglecting SEO or Doing Heavy SEO

SEO helps visitors to find your blog. Visitors never find your site by mistake. However, as much as SEO is important, you do not need to apply it excessively. You can know that you are optimizing excessively when your keywords in posts and titles suddenly stop making sense.On the other hand, you also need to look at how many keywords you are stuffing into your information. Too much SEO'ing means that you are purely writing for the robots, and that is very much against the guidelines of blogging since it may lead to spamming.Gain knowledge of SEO - always keep your readers as your number 1 priority.

#8 Blogging Mistake- Not Engaging With Your Audience

This is one simple big mistake that a blogger can make. You should take the time to engage with readers in the comments section. When you respond to comments you build your relationship with your readers; readers who are approved are likely to come back.People keep you in mind when you take time to reply to their comments.

#9 Blogging Mistake- Disorderly Blog

When a blog is disorderly, it is not appealing to the eyes. Visitors do not like excessively busy sites because they can not easily access what they want. Too many choices make the visitors rather confused and so they opt to leave your site.Do not try to do so much with your blog. Make your blog visitor friendly; when it is easy to navigate a visitor will always have an easy time hence they will come back again. As a result, you will make money online since the prospective clients are visiting your site.

#10 Blogging Mistake- Uninteresting Headlines

Titles are the most significant basics of a blog post. They tell readers a great deal about the content and often can be used to set expectations. They are descriptive and enticing.Unless a title is enticing and descriptive, it's not going to have the desired effect.

#11 Blogging Mistake- Putting Attention To Quantity Instead Of Quality

This is a mistake that is very common with bloggers. There is this assumption that you need to blog a number of times on a weekly basis so that your blog may seem updated both to search engines and human perspective.The upside of doing this is that you will gain page rank while the downside is that you might lose quality to your articles.To avoid such mistakes you need to take time to write a good post, and always remember to edit it. Alternatively, you can also hire a team for professional writers who will be assisting you is writing posts.

#12 Blogging Mistake- Plagiarisms

Copying of other bloggers articles is called plagiarism. This act is illegal; it is an offense under the copyrights. Some bloggers depend on copying and pasting instead of putting up their own thoughts using their own words. Google loves originality. Original articles are unique, and also you can express your thoughts with ease.

#13 Blogging Mistake- Concentrating On The Blog Design

Having a beautiful and appealing blog design is wonderful, however, some bloggers dwell so much on the blog design that they even forget about the content. There is no point of having a wonderful design if the reader leaves your site without any benefit.However great your design is, make sure your reader can tell what your site is all about at least at a glance.

#14 Blogging Mistake- Excessive Use Of Plugins

As much as most plugins are free, this does not mean you can use all. Excessive use of unnecessary plugins (excluding the best SEO plugins) can result to slow loading of your page and this can really make visitors leave your site immediately.Make use of a few plugins that are vital for your blog.Conclusion: This topic is so diverse, there is a lot more to say about the mistakes. Feel free to use the comments section below to share the mistakes you see bloggers making.

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