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13 YouTubers That Will Earn Your Likes, Comments And Subscriptions

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Honestly, I don't know what I would do without YouTube. The first thing that I do when I get back to my tiny dorm from class is going on and checking to see if any of my favorite YouTubers have posted anything new. I think it might be an obsession! If you are new to YouTube or you just don't really know who to watch I got you covered!

1. Shane Dawson

He is my all time favorite! Between his conspiracy theory videos and his mini-series I just need more time to binge watch them all.

2. Dolan Twins

Just imagine two very attractive twins on YouTube.... stop imagining because they're real!

3. Jeffree Star

Jeffree Star is also another iconic makeup artist who has been In the game for YEARS! I'm going to get his pink star handheld mirror one day when I stop wasting my money on pink drinks.

4. Emma Chamberlin


I just started watching Emma Chamberlin recently and she is who I want to be! I love her style and her personality and she makes me want to be her best friend.

5. James Charles

Since watching James Charles I now call everyone "Sister" and Pink Drinks are the only thing that I get at Starbucks.

6. Summer Mckeen 

I WANT HER CLOSET! Summer Mckeen has the cutest clothes of all time and her taste in music makes mine look like garbage.

7. Tana Mongeau

Tana Mongeau is a little controversial and if i'm being honest her old content was way better than her new stuff, but i still love her anyways even if she is a hot mess!

8. Jess & Gabriel Conte

This couple is freaking adorable!! They have the cutest dog and the cutest relationship and if you think that's all just wait because they also made their own worship music album of them singing and it's so good!

9. Sav & Cole

THIS FAMILY IS SO CUTE! They have the cutest little girl named Everley and one baby girl on the way! They vlog their daily adventures and go to Disneyland as it seems like every weekend.

10. The Ace Family

Some people like the Ace Family and some don't but I think that they are such a good family and their videos are so funny. This couple pulls pranks on each other in almost every video and let me tell you, they get intense about their pranks!

11. Colleen Ballinger

Colleen Ballinger (AKA Miranda Sings) is so funny! When she isn't playing her part as Miranda Sings she is making vlogs about her tour that she is on and surprise, she's pregnant!

12. Kian and JC

Kian and JC are two friends who make the weirdest but most funny videos I have ever seen. If you need a laugh you should definitely go watch them, you won't be disappointed!

13. Liza Koshy

Liza Koshy makes the funniest videos and I love how nothing on her channel is ever serious including her cousin Helga, look up her "cousin" and you'll see what i mean, also I haven't been the same since Liza and David broke up but it's fine I'm fine.

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