Justin Bieber made a huge comeback in 2015 with the release of his album, "Purpose." Since then, he's gained a lot of respect in the entertainment industry. That's great, but what about those pre-teen girls you made fun of for fawning over him back in 2009? All the new-comers missed out on a lot. Here's how you know if you're a first generation belieber:
1. You felt like a proud mama when he decided to start making good decisions again
Thank god he stopped peeing in a mop bucket
2. You have an awkward and embarrassing fan Twitter account out there
And this one was definitely one of your favorites
3. You've spent a ridiculous amount of money on his concerts
You've stopped looking at the price and just hit the "purchase" button on impulse
4. You saw "Never Say Never" in theaters maybe once or twice
and by once or twice i mean maybe a couple of hundred times.
5. You're on a first name basis with him
"Did you hear that Justin cut his hair!?!?"
6. You can name everyone in this picture
and have been blocked by at least one of them on Twitter
7. Sometimes "swaggie" still slips out
And you have a firm stance on whether it is spelt "swaggie" or "swaggy"
8. You still have hope of being his OLLG
Shoutout to Ceryna (@ProjectOLLG)
9. You pray every day he brings back the hair flip
Or at least that he stops dying it blonde and gets a hair cut
10. You once thought this was the hottest thing ever
Shame on 16 year old you.
11. You still hold out hope that Jaitlin is meant to be
If only.
12. You always wanted your meet and greet picture to turn out like this one
Like literally, this is your goal in life.