You Should Be Watching Season 3 Of '13 Reasons Why'
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13 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Season 3 Of '13 Reasons Why'

Because we all want to know who killed Bryce Walker.


One of the most controversial shows aired, since the day it came out, has been "13 Reasons Why."

Because of the topics it covers and scenes it uses to portray those topics, it has received some hate from the public. However, Netflix continued the series anyway, just releasing its third season of the show.

I have watched every episode of the show since it was first released, and here's why you should be watching season 3 too.

1. This season is basically just a murder mystery

Murder mysteries are pretty popular in today's society so this season fits right in with that. We're following Clay and Ani as they put together clues by interviewing their peers, trying to find out who killed Bryce Walker.

2. This season shows women supporting women

This is the season where Jessica is finally ready to take back control of her life after being raped by Bryce and the trial.

She creates a group at school for rape survivors, and Ani helps Jess campaign to win student body president so the school's jocks can no longer run the school.

3. It brings to light all the things high school students have to face every single day

Every topic is the show is something that students everywhere face everyday, whether we want to admit it or not.

4. It's making people talk about the real problems in our society

The show is so controversial because of the issues it talks about. People are upset about the things in the show literally because they're real problems in our world, and the show is starting a conversation about all of it.

5. It talks about teen pregnancy and abortion

Some states are beginning to pass laws against abortion so this is something that's really being talked about. This season shows us the stigma around abortion when Chloe shares her personal story.

6. It shows what bullying can do to someone

Tyler has been shoved around since the beginning.

At the end of season 2, he really got attacked. So season 3 is the aftermath of his bullying and how the rest of the group is trying to put someone back together after being broken by bullying.

7. It continues to talk about domestic violence

In previous seasons, we learned Justin had a hard home life.

This season, we learned that angry jock Monty is also abused at home, which explains why he acts the way he does at school. It doesn't make how he treats people okay, but it's showing the toll abuse can take on someone.

8. It still isn't glorifying suicide

A lot of people's objections for the show come from the fact that they think the show glorifies suicide, but that's not true at all. It's bringing light to someone that is a very real problem.

Hannah, unfortunately, took her own life, and Alex and Tyler both had the intention to do the same. The show is bringing attention to this because it's sadly a VERY real problem.

In 2017, over 47,000 people committed suicide. That is the purpose of creating the show.

9. It continues to talk about rape and shows how different people are able to cope with that

Over the seasons, we've learned just how many girls were raped, whether by Bryce or by others.

This season shows how different people are able to cope with the horrible things that happened to them.

Chloe switched schools and was able to start fresh after completely cutting off her ties with Bryce. Jessica became president so that the jocks can't continue to hurt people as they have in the past and she started a club specifically for victims of rape.

10. The students are finally standing up for each other when no one else will help

From the beginning, the adults haven't seemed to care about any of the problems the students have had. But this season, everyone has finally stepped up to help each other.

Everyone came together to help Tyler after his attempted school shooting last season.

Clay and Justin are really starting to act like brothers and watching each other's backs. Tony is still helping out everyone that he can. They finally have a unity.

11. It shows the less crazy side of high school

Most high school students don't deal with tragedy after tragedy like the Liberty High students do, but the show still portrays the normal high school likes, such as dating, being the new student, losing a friend, sports, working, etc.

12. Bryce finally lost his "King" status

A lot of people knew how awful Bryce was. A lot of the other jocks knew that he was raping girls. A lot of them knew that he bullied others.

So many people knew and no one ever stood up to him or ratted him out. But this season, Bryce switches schools and lost his status with the Liberty students.

We also saw clips of him from his new school and his new teammates treated him horribly and called him out for raping the women he did in earlier seasons. Though his sentence for his crimes was short, he was still being treated like the criminal he was.

13. The show probably should've stopped after season 1, maybe even 2, but it's still doing it's intended purpose

Selena Gomez helped produce this show because she wanted to bring awareness to suicide. The cast even got matching tattoos around the time the show first aired.

Now it's on season 3, and while it has now strayed from the original story based on Jay Asher's book, it's still trying to bring awareness to these issues that no one wants to talk about. That has been the show's mission from the beginning.

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