Having siblings is the best, but being the oldest sibling is the best of the best! Remember this list the next time your younger siblings are driving you crazy. Because whether your siblings are giving you gifts or annoying the crap out of you, you know you love them and would do anything for them.
1. You get to give advice.
Chances are we have probably been through the same thing or we have known someone who has. Plus, who doesn't love listening to other peoples drama? I know that I still love to hear what goes on in the crazy place called middle school.
2. You always have someone to go to the movies with.
"Oh, you're bringing your little sister to see Finding Dory?" "No, I'm going to see it and she wanted to come too."
3. Who doesn't want to share a room?
Everyone who has ever had to. But if it works in Full House, it should work in real life, right?
4. You're never lonely.
They will never let you be lonely-- even if that means jumping on you until you feel better.
5. You're always in charge.
Your siblings know who's boss when your parents aren't home, but that doesn't mean they like it. And trust me, they will not go easy on you.
6. There's always someone to cheer you up when you're sad.
No matter how bad of a mood you're in, your siblings will notice. And if they are anything like my sisters, they will crawl in bed and hug you until you tell them what's wrong.
7. You get to be the first for everything.
For example, driving, graduating, going to college. It's great and scary at the same time.
8. You're not the only one stuck with your crazy family.
They grew up with the same crazy family you did. No need to warn them about your creepy uncle or try to explain how the people who aren't really related to you are still family. They understand.
9. They know how to push all your buttons.
Every single one of them. They know exactly which button to push to get what they want and they aren't afraid to push it.
10. They are always brutally honest.
Especially when you don't want them to be. Fair warning: never ask your brother how you look.
11. They look up to you.
You are the oldest and you have experienced the most. You have done so many cool things that they want to follow in your footsteps.
12. They learn from your mistakes.
Although your siblings want to follow in your footsteps, they have also watched you make a few mistakes that they don't plan on repeating.
13. They always have your back!
Through thick and thin, high roads and low roads, ups and downs, you are each other's best friends. You would do anything for each other. Although you guys may fight, you always have each other's back!