13 Places To Eat According To A Nashville Native
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13 Places To Eat According To A Nashville Native

A local's guide to straying off the eaten path.

13 Places To Eat According To A Nashville Native

There is no harder task than choosing where to eat on a Friday night. Take it from me, there isn't a place I would rather be than on the couch, leftovers in hand, bingeing through the latest Netflix Original Series. The more common scenario is sending endless "Idk" and "You pick this time" texts in the group chat before settling on the same restaurant that was visited last weekend. But, unfortunately, there is a limited amount of times you can order your favorite sandwich before realizing you've tried everything else on the menu... twice, and really need to find more favorite places before this one burns out for good.

Being a Nashville native, I see so many tourist and locals alike checking out the typical eateries with the most stars on Yelp and that is where they are missing out. The best places to eat in Nashville are hole-in-the-wall food joints that you won't know about until you fully immerse yourself in the local foodie culture.

Now, I'm not saying that Hattie B's chicken isn't absolutely mouth watering or that Pancake Pantry doesn't know how to make a fluffy pancake that will melt as soon as it hits your tongue. I'm just saying, the best food in Nashville isn't always found in the generic tourist guide to happy eating.

1. Miss Saigon Restaurant

Located on Charlotte Pike in the heart of west Nashville, this Vietnamese eatery is home of the best Pho in town. For all you adventurous eaters out there, there is nothing that satisfies the taste buds other than number 31 doused in Sriracha sauce. But don't worry, there is a tofu option too!

2. The Smiling Elephant

Trust me, nothing can cure a hangover like an order of the Tom Kha soup with a side of dumplings. The cozy cottage atmosphere brings friendly faces from all over Nashville to eat allergy friendly Pad Thai and congregate on the dimly lit patio.

3. Brown's Diner

What looks like an abandoned double wide trailer from the street is Brown's Diner. The family run establishment doesn't try to impress their patrons with looks but rather with their homemade burgers and hushpuppies.

4.Hog Heaven

Hands down best BBQ. Ever.

5. The Jam Coffee House

Tucked behind the 12th Avenue and Wedgwood intersection sits a sweet retro coffee house. Littered with Belmont students and locals this coffee house caters to all with a selection of early twentieth century artists playing over the loud speakers. Their gluten free bread is out of this world and the coffee ain't too bad either.

6. Mas Tacos Por Favor

You're in luck if you see this food truck! If not, take a trip across the Cumberland to their home base in East Nasty.

7.The Sicilian

One of many pizza joints that has been named after its city of origin, this particular pizzeria faces Church street right outside of the downtown bar scene. Its liveliest crowd stumbles in at about 2am, with wallets open, after a night out at the bars to enjoy an authentic slice of heaven.

8. The International Market & Restaurant

Driving down Belmont Blvd you can't miss the simple red brick building decorated only with white lettering. You can try just about anything doused in their famous curry sauce and why wouldn't you when everything on the menu is $10 and under?!

9. The Gold Rush

For lack of a better term, this divey bar serves up the best Tex-Mex burritos in town. They have anything to curb that late night craving.

10. Rosepepper Cantina

Decorated with an assortment of christmas lights and brightly colored patterns, Rosepepper Cantina takes over the East Nashville Mexican cuisine scene. The ever changing billboard out front and their creativity with tequila invites customers in and convinces them to stay.

11.Barbra's Home Cooking

This might be a little bit of a drive for most inner-city folks but it is well worth it. This little piece of the south brings the meaning of comfort food back to the table. Anyone found eating at Barbra's isn't scared off by the term deep fried or pan seared.

12. Suzy Wong's House of Yum

Edgier than a drive in movie theatre or a rooftop dinner, dining at Suzy Wong's might be a drag but it'll be one hell of a show.

13. The Pied Piper Creamery

Who doesn't want to end the night with a scoop (or five) of ice cream?! You can't go wrong with a chocolate sundae or my personal favorite flavor: Trailer Trash.

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