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12 Things My Dad Said When I Took Him To A Frat Party

Bold move, I know.

12 Things My Dad Said When I Took Him To A Frat Party
Macie McCallum

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This past weekend was family weekend at IU and a large group of my friends all invited our dads down to visit us. My dad stayed with my roommate's dad in an Airbnb and let's just say they enjoyed reliving their college days, to say the least. Friday night we all took our dads to a frat party — bold move I know. Here are just a few of the things that happened when he experienced a taste of what I do every weekend...

"Isn't there cold beer anywhere around here?"

You mean you're not used to drinking warm Natty Lights, dad?

"Let's play flippy cup!"

One thing I will give him is that my dad knows how to get a party started.

"Hi, I'm Macie's dad. Macie is my little pumpkin."

Nothing a dad loves more than bragging about his little girl... even to frat boys.

"What dirt can you give me on my daughter's boyfriend?"

This one was said more than I would have liked. Don't worry though, he didn't find any dirt.

"This guy is awesome! Whatever girl gets to marry him is a lucky lady!"

— My dad after every meeting every one of my friends. Trying to marry me off? I can't keep up.

"Play some Zac Brown Band!"

Dad was not a fan of Mo Bamba.

"I should have joined a fraternity in college..."

@iuzbt / Instagram

My dad was not one for Greek life in his day, but after experiencing it firsthand he was starting to think he might have made a mistake.

SEE ALSO: 10 Things My Mom Said When I Took Her To A Frat Party

"Can we go home yet?"

Don't let him fool you, he was loving it. The social butterfly that he is, stayed out until 2 a.m. and even went home and stayed up until 3 a.m. with his roommate.

"I am HURTING this morning"

Least to say, Saturday morning he was not feeling as great as the night before.

"Should I call the 'Yuber'?"

My dad thinks it's funny to mispronounce words. He also just learned how to use Uber this weekend.

"Do we have to go out tonight?"

And after a long day of tailgating the next day, we hit the hay at 10:30 Saturday night. One night was enough for him, and for me too in my old age.

"I had the best time ever this weekend."

Frat party at Indiana University.

Macie McCallum

A weekend of reliving the glory days is never a weekend wasted. We had the best time everywhere we went. Dad's weekend is always one of my personal favorites. Time to start rallying for next year, dad!

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