12 Disney Movies You Must See In Chronological Order
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12 Disney Movies You Must See In Chronological Order

It is a must!

12 Disney Movies You Must See In Chronological Order
Behind The Voice Actors

It is a fact known to all that everyone must see a Disney movie at least once in their life. With each Disney movie ever made, there's always a character that goes through struggles in life and strives to get through it. Whether it is the help of a fairy godmother or a genie from a magic lamp, these characters work hard to make sure they get their happily ever after. Here are 15 Disney movies I think you all should see in chronological order (it definitely doesn't have to be in the same order though).

1. Snow White.

In this fairytale, Snow White gives us many valuable lessons of life. First, you're never alone. When Snow White fled from the queen, she made friends with seven little dwarfs and animal friends. Second, find compassion in others. Though the queen wanted Snow White dead, the woodsman who was ordered to kill her had spared her life. Third, don't let your insecurities get the best of you. The queen, saying her infamous line "Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" And every time, the Mirror would reply, "Snow White." Because she was jealous of Snow White's beauty, the queen was driven mad just to kill Snow White. Everyone is pretty in their own special way. Don't be like the evil queen.

2. Cinderella.

In this Disney film, we are taught to not only be kind but also to respond back in the way we would want to be treated. Even though her stepfamily was unkind to her, Cinderella still kept herself humbled. She even went on to do her chores and not complain about them at all. I'm sure that definitely teaches a lesson for all of us. The famous song "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" itself is a lesson for all to learn. "If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true." #NuffSaid

3. Sleeping Beauty.

"Sleeping Beauty" teaches us all lessons that we should definitely take the time to stick it into our brains. First, when a wise and older person tells you not to do it, don't do it. Aurora was told by her fairy "aunts" not to wander around outside because it was dangerous. Did she listen? Of course, she didn't. She went and wandered and got herself in trouble (hint: a coma). Second, not excluding people could make things a little better. What happened when Malificent was not invited to see the birth of Aurora? Oh, that's right. She laid a sleeping curse on the poor child. With that being said, don't exclude people out.

4. Sword of the Stone.

The mythical tale of how the great King Arthur built his kingdom Camelot. The more I watched this film, the more I saw the important lessons that we all should learn. For one, just because you have magic, doesn't mean it's going to solve all your problems. Sadly, there is no such thing as magic here. That means we have to take the time to solve our problems and work things out. Second, "So, you must plan for the future, boy. You've got to find a direction." You are so right, Merlin. I mean, without directions, how are you suppose to get to the place you want to be? On top of that, you have to try hard to get to where you want to be. Take me as an example. I want to be a fiction novelist and a journalist. If I don't strive to write every day, you think that will help me get to want I want to be? Obviously not.

5. The Little Mermaid.

"The Little Mermaid" is a fairy-tale romance for all who wish for their cliche of a prince charming. Yeah, we're super happy that Ariel ended up with her human prince in the end, but what lessons were given to us from watching this film? We see Ariel trading her beautiful voice just to be with the human prince. Don't do what Ariel did. Never, and I mean never, give up your voice. (Not literally, of course.) Your voice is what makes you, you. If you don't learn how to speak up for yourself, you won't get anywhere. Voice your opinions so you can be heard. Next, it's okay to not want to do the same thing your parents are doing. King Triton didn't want Ariel collecting "barbaric human" objects but she still did it anyways. I know a lot of you struggle with trying to find out what you want to do in your life. It's okay. You don't have to lead the same life your parents did. Your life is your own. Live it the way you want to live it.

6. Beauty and the Beast.

This Disney film is a tale as old as time. In this tale, Belle and the Beast learn to get along and even fall in love. A Stockholm Syndrome romance but hey, what's a love story without a little twist? One of the most valuable lessons that we can learn from "Beauty and the Beast" is not about finding love being held in prison, but to find the beauty inside of a person. Your inner beauty is greater than your outer beauty. True beauty comes from the inside of your heart. Be kind to others and put others first sometimes. If you don't, you obviously will be turned into a beast, like the prince. Second, don't let fear get in your way of finding new things to do. I know life can be pretty scary to think about. Trust me, I know. But sometimes you just have to keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve greater things.

7. Aladdin.

In a beautiful fairy-tale that comes with "A Whole New World," we are taught a lot of things. First, when you're wrong, say "sorry." We all need to learn how to admit that we are wrong, even when we are too stubborn to say it. Honestly, it takes guts to come out and admit you are wrong when you have so much pride. You ever hear that saying, "honesty is the best policy?" Well, I'm going to say it here. Honesty is the best policy. Be honest about who you are (in Aladdin's case). You can avoid so much trouble if you tell the truth.

8. The Lion King.

A tale filled with laughter and tears, this film is a definite must-see. Simba finds himself alone and without a kingdom, meeting two friends that give us a little "Hakuna Matata" (meaning no worries). However, that doesn't mean you have "no worries" over everything. There's more to being a leader than the status. Simba didn't realize that being king meant responsibilities and making sacrifices that are necessary until after his father died. The same concept goes for leaders in groups, leaders in the world, and leaders in your own home. Own up to your responsibility and make sacrifices. It might upset others but trust me, they'll get over it. Being a leader doesn't mean you have to be "bossy" just because you have so much power. Power is blinding. It's not good for you.

9. Pocahontas.

A more-than-less true story of Pocahontas and her journey to help the English settlers understand that it is not all about the gold and the fame, but a lesson of compassion and respect. First, savages come in all different forms. Do you know what Governor Ratcliffe and the Great White Shark have in common? They're both savages. They've both taken the lives of many life forms, be the human or animal. Second, compassion to nature is a key component. In her famous song "Colors of the Wind," Pocahontas makes a good point about nature and everything that lives. The Earth is not just something you can claim. If you see trash on the ground, be so kind to pick up and throw it in its proper spot. Don't litter. It's bad for the environment. Third, respect goes both ways. Be open to the ideas of others, or in this film, be open to the cultures of others.

10. Hercules.

Disney takes Greek mythology to a whole new level. A mythology of the son of Zeus, Hercules teaches us on what it really means to be strong. Muscles and abs are not what make you strong. Well, they do physically, but not in the strong I mean. Being strong means you have faith and courage to go the distance. Hercules went out of his way to find the hero trainer, Phil, in order to rejoin the gods. It's also important to be cautious of who you give your heart to. Some guys can break your heart in a heartbeat. Meg sold her soul to Hades for a guy. Don't be like her, okay? It's okay to give love but not all of your heart.

11. Mulan.

"Mulan," a powerful story of the first female warrior in China as she goes through struggles as a female. First, stand up for what you believe in. Mulan goes against the law of the Chinese society as she disguises herself as a man in order to take her father's place in the war. Despite being a female, she still fought in the war because she believed in gender equality. Second, don't be afraid to be yourself. If others don't like you for it, ignore them. Others will love you for it.

12. Tarzan.

The story of Tarzan brings a fun and eye-watering tale of humans and gorillas mixing in the African safari. The first lesson we see from Tarzan is from Phil Collin's song "Two Worlds." The lines "two worlds, one family" means a whole lot for all of us. An immediate family is made up of a mom, dad, and child(ren). However, the mom has her own family and the dad the same. When the two worlds come together, they make a family. No matter how different the families of your parents might be, you are all family. Second, differences in people are awesome. Everyone is different from everyone. It is okay to be different. Accept yourself for who you are. Trust me. Life will get better if you do.

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