11 Unconventional Romance Movies That Changed The Way I Think About Love
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11 Unconventional Romance Movies That Changed The Way I Think About Love

For your summer movie list.

11 Unconventional Romance Movies That Changed The Way I Think About Love

I have watched my share of cliché romantic comedies with heartwarming endings and expectable plot lines. There’s definitely something about the typical fairytale ending that makes rom coms unique. People want to watch movies that portray a sense of “happily ever after” that can’t always be found in real life. Here are some movies that twisted the stereotypical idea of “happily ever after” and changed the way I think about love.

1. "500 Days of Summer"

While this movie had all the right elements for a traditional love story, its ending teaches that not all love is requited. The story also shows that two people can love each other, but have differing expectations that can get in the way. In the beginning of this movie the narrator says, “this is not a love story.”

2. "One Day"

This movie follows a relationship between two best friends through college and graduate school working up to the expectation that because they have a lengthy history, they will end up together. The movie shows pieces of the two characters’ lives outside of their relationship, one having a mother with cancer and eventually marrying someone else. The director portrays the message that time with loved ones and life in general are both delicate things and that unexpected tragedies can happen that will change the course of a relationship in a day.

3. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"

Based off of the bestselling Stephen Chbosky novel, this movie was less of a romantic story and more of one character finding himself and coming to love the people around him. The main character’s story and the things he struggles with show that a person’s past will unavoidably change the way that they give and accept love. Paul Rudd's character says, “We accept the love we think we deserve.”

4. "Once"

This movie, which is also performed on Broadway, tells the story of two musicians who fall in love unexpectedly. With added romantic musical numbers, the movie gives the sense that its characters are connected by their passion for music and can withstand anything that life throws at them.The audience is left rooting for them to be together, but constantly aware that each character’s situation in life is fragile.

5. "Silver Linings Playbook"

This story follows a bipolar divorcee trying to fix his relationship with his wife and a widow trying to win a dance competition. Since the director shows more about each characters’ individual problems, it seems that the movie is more of a drama than a romantic comedy. However, as the relationship between the two characters develops, the movie shows that love can be found in unexpected places and times between people who might not seem compatible.

6. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

In this movie, a couple tries to erase their minds of memories of their ended relationship. The director focuses on the scientific quality of love.

7. "Her"

This movie has a lot to say about relationships and technology. The main character starts a romantic relationship with the voice of his computer. As his artificial love slowly draws him away from reality and other people, the film provides the message that technology can sometimes diminish human connections.

8. "About Time"

This movie follows a love story between a time traveler and his wife. Trying to relive the past, the time traveler accidentally changes one moment that results in his entire future being altered. The message in this movie is that every event in our lives fits intricately into a greater puzzle and that every moment is significant.

9. "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day"

The main character in this movie is a ditzy and materialistic starlet who becomes entangled in a love triangle between three suitors who each offer her different statuses and types of love. As the plot comes to a close, the movie shows that true love should not be based off of material things and that beauty and status are temporary.

10. "August Rush"

This movie follows the orphan child of two musicians as he explores his talent in New York. Although the plot is focused mainly on their child, the unusual story between his two parents as near strangers shows that music can bring together people of all walks of life.

11. "Hector and the Search for Happiness"

This movie, based on a French novel, follows one character who leaves his girlfriend and life as a psychiatrist behind in order to travel the world. The irony in the plot is that Hector, a psychiatrist, has worked to give his patients happiness while not being able to create it for himself. In his travels, he finds that he cannot truly love until he has discovered how to unlock and understand his emotions. The movie stresses the importance of looking at yourself realistically before trying to find true love.

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