11 Things to Do In Columbus For Fabulous People!
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11 Things to Do In Columbus For Fabulous People!

Summer, fall, spring, winter: Columbus has events for all.

11 Things to Do In Columbus For Fabulous People!

Summer is finally here, so why sit around with nothing to do? Columbus has a stigma for being a boring town-- but really, you just need to know where to look! So here are a few fun things to check out in town this summer whether you’re by yourself, with your girlfriends, or your S.O, I’ve got your Columbus Summer Bucket list. I swear by Chanel it will be great.

1. No Shame Theater

Where else can you get two hours of fun for $5 in Columbus? That would be No Shame Theatre which takes place on Friday nights at 10 p.m. at the Springer Opera House. Think of it as a risque talent show for all ages with only original material. On any given Friday there is comedy, poetry, music, skits, rants and so much more to enjoy. Don’t forget the beer break!

2. Comedy Night at The Loft

On Thursday nights, The Loft hosts Comedy Night for $10 a person. These up and coming comedians aren’t from Columbus so the material is always new and surprising. There is a 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. show to choose from. I know, so many options. The great thing about the Loft (beside from the piano stairs, I mean hello! Selfie central) is the buffalo chicken dip. It’s to die for.

3. Music at Wild Wing Café

If you want to get out of your weekday rut, grab your friends and head down to Wild Wing Café at Bradley Park Crossing. Every night there is something different to hear, ranging from jazz and blues, karaoke, to concerts! Order a few of their craft beers and your weeknight will go from boring to brilliant!

4. Culture And Creativity at the Columbus Museum

If you have the day off and want to spend your time surrounded by beauty, the Columbus Museum is the place to be. The best part is, most of their events are free! The exhibits change all the time, so there is always something different to see. This summer they are having concerts in the garden, a tattoo exhibit, lunch and lecture, American drawings, and a sports gallery. And let’s be real here, Carrie Bradshaw met Aleksandr Petrovsky in an art museum, so really how can you go wrong?

5. Bingo and $1 wine at Mellow Mushroom

Yes, you did read that right. Dollar wine night. And since it’s Bingo night, you literally have a reason to get loud and obnoxious and not get kicked out of the building. You don’t even have to order food (although why wouldn’t you, their pizza is delish.) Not only can you buy plenty of wine for cheap,but there are a few chances to win prizes with the bingo like a pitcher of beer, t shirts and gift cards! So, grab a DD and go drink that cheap wine girl! You deserve it.

6. Open Mic Night at Fountain City Coffee

Columbus has a ton of awesome talent in the area and Fountain City knows that. Brian Mallard is the host of open mic night on Thursday nights at Fountain city. It’s a come and go as you please weekly event. You can get a cup of coffee and enjoy the tunes or choose not too and listen in for free. During nice weather, Fountain City brings the speakers outside and it feels like a mini concert. During not so great weather, the event is held inside. This is an all year thing, and a great way to meet people in the area.

7. Concerts at the Phenix City Amphitheater

Right across the 13th Street bridge, overlooking the beautiful Chattahoochee River you will find the Phenix City Amphitheater. This place has hosted some pretty great concerts. This summer we have already seen Corey Smith, John Micheal Montgomery, an Eagles Cover band and so many more talented musicians. You still have a few chances to have fun this summer though with:

June 24 - Concert: Travis Tritt

July 4 - Concert and Fireworks Show

August 12 - Concert: Zapp

September 17 - Concert: Mo Pitney

8. Variety at The Rivercenter

From the Schwob School of Music, theater, comedy to concerts the Rivercenter has so many options to choose from. I'm super excited about the Naked Magic Show on July 7 (possibly because it's on my birthday). Naked and Magic in the same sentence? I know you’re heading to check that out right now. It’s okay, I won’t be mad if you brb.

9. Ladies Night at Shooter's

Practice your aim Ladies. Monday nights, 6-9 p.m. are ladies night at Shooters! Lane and Gun rental is free, all you have to do is pay for the targets and ammo. So grab your girls and go for a less conventional girls night out.

10. Trivia at your choice

There are so many places to attend trivia in Columbus. Why wouldn't you want too? Drinks and having the *chance* to look smart? Here's a list I've compiled.

Mellow Mushroom: Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

The Grove: Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Soho's Bar & Grill: Wednesday's at 8 p.m.

11. Get Together at Flat Rock Park

In my opinion, Flat Rock Park is one of the most beautiful parks we have in Columbus. With so much terrain to choose from (pavilions, creek, lake, biking trails, woods) there is so much you can do there! My friends and I like to grab our dogs, a lawn chair, and some snacks and meet up at the beginning of the park on Saturday Afternoons. We all play in the water, lay out and catch up while we eat some lunch. Flat Rock is definitely the place to be! Please use SPF. The last thing we need is a sunburn.

So there you have it, eleven things to do in Columbus this summer (and even throughout the year.) Don’t just sit at home and watch Netflix (although I would never say no to a Sex and the City marathon), get out with your people and wreak havoc on the town!

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