11 Signs You Are In A Sorority
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11 Signs You Are In A Sorority

In case you forgot, here are some ways to see if you really are a sorority girl.

11 Signs You Are In A Sorority
Jeniffer Saucedo

Greek life is not everyone's cup of tea. From stereotypes to preconceived notions about what it means to be affiliated, sororities sometimes get a bad rep. But if you are in one, you know you wouldn't be where you are without the support of your sisters and you wouldn't be the person you are if it weren't for their guidance. Similarly, if you are in a sorority, then you might recognize the following:

1. Every Monday is a blessing and a curse.

Chapter… You love it because who doesn’t love to spend time with their sisters? You know that no matter how crazy or busy your week gets, you will always get to see your favorite people. But for some reason it always seems like your professors assign 4 homework assignments, 2 projects and a test due on Tuesdays. Guess you’re going straight to the library after chapter… yes, in your business casual attire.

2. Half of your wardrobe has your Greek letters.

You have piles upon piles of hand-me-down shirts. These shirts are great for basically any occasion. You woke up late? Greek shirt. You have no clean clothes? Greek shirt. Going to the gym? Greek shirt. You want to dress up a bit? Greek shirt…and a skirt.

3. You look up to your big a little too much.

Your big has become one of your biggest role models. (no pun intended) You are incredibly proud of everything they do and are basically their greatest cheerleader. You celebrate the big moments like getting job offers or little moments like surviving another day of class, usually with ice cream. Your Instagram may or may not feature a lot of “tbt to when I got my big” or “wcw… you guessed it! My big” captioned photos. You can't help but show her off.

4. You have a second family and it confuses people.

People give you weird looks when you refer to your big, grandbig, and great-grandbig as your family. You: “I’m going to family dinner.” Them: “Oh, I didn’t realize your family was in town.” You try not to roll your eyes as you explain which family you are referring to. Or maybe you’ve said things like “It runs in the family.” or “I get that from my big.” and people try to tell you that it isn't possible because you're not actually "related".

5. You craft... a lot.

You were never really into art but all the sudden you are collecting canvases and paints and glitter for the days when you feel extra crafty. You even have a Pinterest board for your little or future little and you are not ashamed that you’ve pinned over 400 photos.

6. You cringe at the way sororities are portrayed in media.

Legally Blonde. Scream Queens. Greek. Neighbors. Sorority Wars. The House Bunny. They’re all wrong.

7. You have a new found appreciation for philanthropy.

You have always enjoyed giving back but being in a sorority has made you appreciate it so much more. You’ve grown as a person and become selfless. You’re lucky to be a part of an amazing organization so it makes you feel really good to be able to give back after you’ve been given so much love and support.

8. You are always ready to throw what you know.

A phone comes out and your hands go up. That’s just the way it is. You try to incorporate your sorority hand sign in whatever picture you can. If your hands get tired, you usually settle for the infamous sorority squat and if you are with your family, you go with the lesser known “stacking” method. Either way, you are always ready for any photo op.

9. You look forward to formal all year long.

It’s your chance to relive prom without the drama. You window shop for months and pin hairstyles and makeup tutorials. When the big day finally comes, you get ready with your sisters, usually with Beyonce in the background, and you have a mini dance party to warm up for the fun times ahead.

10. You have countless role models.

All of the upperclassmen, and even the women in your pledge class, have something that makes you look up to them. Whether it’s their leadership skills, compassion or strength, there’s a reason your aspirations are so high: it’s because your inspirations are so plentiful.

11. Sisterhood is no longer just a word.

Before you joined a sorority, sisterhood was just a word. Your sister’s have filled it with meaning. You have learned what it means to have unconditional support from 50+ people and what it feels like to have a lot of women with different backgrounds and stories become your home away from home. You wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

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