101 Thoughts during the Stitchers Season 2 Finale
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101 Thoughts during the Stitchers Season 2 Finale

Stitchers aired their Season 2 Finale on May 24 — Worst ending to a season ever.

101 Thoughts during the Stitchers Season 2 Finale

Freeform, formerly known as ABC Family, just aired the season two finale of their original series "Stitchers" on Tuesday, May 24.

If you haven't seen the show, it's about a government agency who are able to access the memories of the dead. Their team tries to solve the murders of the dead whose memories they access. Anyway, the season two finale answered some questions for us, but left us with even more than we started off with.

Here is a list of the 101 thoughts I had while watching the season two finale:

1. Why are Cameron and Kirsten not together?

2. She's trying to protect her sister.

3. Camille, it is not your fault Liam is dead.

4. Is the show trying to put Fischer and Camille together?

5. What is happening between Fischer and Camille? Seriously.

6. The first time they met! How cute!

7. Yes, Kirsten, you did used to sound like a robot.

8. Liam was working for Kirsten's dad.

9. Liam wasn't British?

10. Liam is an asshole.

11. He definitely deserved this.

12. Kirsten, it was not a waste of time.

13. Kirsten, you are not stupid.

14. Did Nina move the string?

15. Ivy moved the string to help you.

16. You lied to your sister.

17. Nina, you don't snoop through people's things.

18. Well, at least she knows the truth about Cameron's job.

19. Kirsten found her dad's hide out!

20. And..Ivy is there.

21. He's gone, her dad is gone.

22. Did not expect her to bring the NSA with her.

23. Ivy is super pissed at Kirsten.

24. Ivy is a bitch.

25. Kirsten's mom is still alive?! But she died when she was eight.

26. What is going on with Maggie?

27. Maggie is getting feisty.

28. Damn, the NSA makes you disappear.

29. Their dad didn't tell Ivy the whole truth.

30. Maggie doesn't know if Kirsten's mom is still alive either.

31. Maggie is dropping hints to Kirsten.

32. Who is this bitch?

33. Is she hitting on Fischer?

34. Seriously, who the hell is this?

35. Oh....she's definitely Fischer's ex.

36. Wait, I thought the show wanted Camille and Fischer together now.

37. She's still wearing her wedding ring.

38. Time to find out who is in Kirsten's mom's crypt!

39. Aw! Cam went with her, how cute.

40. The coffin is empty.

41. What is going on?

42. Who is Blair meeting at night in the lab?

43. Oh, it's just Kirsten.

44. Where is Kirsten's mom?

45. Yea, Kirsten, you tell him!

46. Oh shit, Blair is pissed.

47. He just threatened Kirsten and called her a possession. That's rude.

48. Camille is calling Fischer and she's drunk.

49. I knew the show wanted them together, they're flirting.

50. Or not... he's going to dinner with his wife.

51. Now Camille is acting like she's fine with Fischer going to dinner with his wife.

52. She's not fine.

53. You're not stupid, Camille.

54. Kirsten went to Cameron after Blair threatened her

.55. Kirsten is so sad. She just wants to be with her mom.

56. She feels at home with Cameron!



59. But what about Nina?


61. Don't be sorry Kirsten!

62. Kirsten is a queen, you are so right Camille.

63. Camille had too much wine.64. Kirsten has so many issues.

65. Girl Power. YAS Camille!

66. Right from the bottle. Good work, Kirsten.

67. There's a code on the urn. Ed Clark didn't keep secrets from Kirsten.

68. It was an address. Is Kirsten's mom living here?

69. Its empty, except a creepy pod thing.

70. There's blood on the floor. What are they getting themselves into?

71. That does not look like Kirsten's mom.

72. He's not dead yet... or maybe he is.

73. Time to stitch into the dead scientist.

74. Oh, he developed deep sleep technology for NASA. That's why Kirsten's mom is still alive.

75. Linus's dad is still in the hospital.

76. How do they know about the stitchers program?

77. Oh, they approached them when Linus was in high school.

76. They were software engineers for the government?

77. His parents are proud of him. That's so cute. The show is going to kill his dad.

78. Blair is trying to stop them from stitching.

79. YAS Maggie stand up to Blair.

80. He's pretending to talk to Kirsten's mom.

81. NSA came to take Kirsten's mom and the scientist was protecting her.

82. They took her mom and the scientist went into the pod to survive.

83. Little Cameron is back in Kirsten's mind.

84. Kirsten's dad has the fifth quantum computer and he's been hacking the stitchers computer.

85. Kirsten, your dad is not trying to help you, do not listen to him.

86. Kirsten went with her dad... probably to her mom's memory.

87. NSA goons are back for Blair.

88. They're trying to shut down, but if they do Kirsten will die.

89. Stitchers went rogue on the NSA. YAS Stitchers!

90. Blair is the worst.

91. She's in her own memory? How is that possible. Kirsten's dad is the worst.

92. Kirsten can't hear the stitchers. Her dad is seriously awful.

93. She does have to leave.

94. YAS Cameron, hijack her dad's hack. Get Kirsten back!

95. Cameron is trying to get her back.

96. Kirsten, the stitchers are your family. Do not stay in your own memory.

97. I think Maggie's husband just died.

98. Aw! Cameron is never going to leave Kirsten. Camsten is definitely happening next season.

99. Now it's time to bounce!

100. It's over?! How is it over?! Is Kirsten going to survive? What is going on? She needs to bounce!

101. Worst ending to a season finale ever.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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