10 Ways to Be More Mindful This Summer
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10 Ways to Be More Mindful This Summer

Experience and enjoy the rewarding effects of leading a more positive life.

10 Ways to Be More Mindful This Summer

If you're home from college for the summer, you’re probably amongst the thousands of other students who have had a stressful year. Or maybe you have had a lot going on at work lately and are feeling a bit burnt out. Either way, you are in need of a few ways of mindfulness that could transform your current outlook and attitude toward life.

1.Think before you complain

Everyone has that constant urge to let out all frustration by complaining about the first problem that comes to mind. This may work to relieve frustration for a while but it does get tedious. Instead, you should try to think out your problems and ask yourself if complaining about them will make you feel relieved or not. Often times the answer is no. I strive to come up with modest steps that I can take to turn my problems into smaller complications that I can more easily deal with.

2. Create a morning routine

For many, this does not sound like something you want to be doing over your summer vacation. However, having a morning routine will make every day more successful. I like to wake up early and get my day going right away. I usually have a cup of coffee (or green tea) while thinking of what I would like to get accomplished that day. This also gives me time to be observant and enjoy the beauty of nature in the morning!

3. Respect the beauty of nature

I will admit that a few years ago I did not have hardly any gratitude for the nature that surrounded me every day. However, I now have a newfound appreciation for all the beauty it has to offer. Go out and spend a day hiking at the local forest preserve, or rent some canoes and spend a day on the river. Drive into the country late at night to appreciate the incandescent glow of billions of stars. It doesn't matter what it is, just do something that will expose you to the great outdoors and teach you to never take it for granted.

4. Do what makes you happy

This summer is the time for new adventures. It is the one time of year when most people have free time to stop and do what they actually enjoy. Try your best to get out of the house every day and do something new. You never know what you actually enjoy unless you explore and discover new routes. Go to an authentic restaurant that you have never tried before, it could become your new favorite! Or visit an indoor skydiving tunnel to see if you enjoy the feeling of strong winds sustaining your body.

5. Jump at every opportunity and accept failure

Learn to not say “no” so quickly. Many of us turn down opportunities simply because we are unsure of what they entail. Instead, I like to become knowledgeable and find out as many details as possible to begin with, and then even if I fail at first I am still learning from my mistakes in the process! You never know, that new opportunity could be something that changes your life for the better. Don’t be afraid to put extra time into new activities because it can help you to become a more sophisticated person.

6. Be truthful to all

One piece of advice I can give you is that lying and deceit are never the answer. It always pays off, in the end, to be truthful to everyone. You will feel better about yourself if you always reveal the truth and you will even be trusted with more.

7. Make goals

You will get the most out of your summer days if you get into the habit of creating new goals each week. These do not have to be large missions, but having small “to-do” lists can really make the difference in how much you accomplish. I like to make lists for myself at night (if I am thinking about it) so that when I wake up in the morning I already have an idea of what my day will consist of. This is also a great way to increase your organizational efficiency and help you become more conscious of your time.

8. Exercise

This is key to positivity! It does not mean that you have to visit the gym religiously every day because you can get your exercise through many other approaches. Take your dog on a walk through the neighborhood, or go swimming at the local pool. You will feel healthier and more motivated to accomplish your weekly goals.

9. Have real conversations with your family members

I can tell you from experience that after you go away to college, you will appreciate your family members so much more. Your parents, and especially your grandparents, have so much to offer you in terms of “wise words." Learn to appreciate them. I have come to enjoy the time I get to spend with my family at home because I now understand how precious it is. Listen to their stories of when they were young. Ask them for advice on life. You won’t regret it.

10. Don't get caught up in drama

I know this one is difficult, but in the end, it is important to realize that drama is not worth the stress it produces. For many people, this realization comes too late. Instead, you should do your best to focus on the circumstances that bring you positivity each day. If you look close enough, there are many reasons to be thankful. I try my best to concentrate all of my effort on exploring these situations that bring me positivity and appreciating them in every aspect of life.

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