10 Things Nursing Students Feel Approaching Graduation
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10 Things Nursing Students Feel Approaching Graduation

"The only people that understand, are the ones sitting beside of you."

10 Things Nursing Students Feel Approaching Graduation

Every nursing student experiences the joy of looking forward to pinning and graduation, but embraces fears thereafter. Many years have been devoted to the journey of attaining two letters, RN. No matter if you will have an ADN or a BSN degree, we all can relate. You struggle during the climb and fall down numerous times, but no matter what you somehow come out stronger than when you started. As the "end" of nursing school approaches and the "beginning" of being a Registered Nurse arrives, school seems to become bittersweet.

1. What will I do without my nursing family?

I have seen these people everyday, since the beginning of time; I mean, beginning of nursing school. I did not know I would become connected with these people the way I have in the last two years. It scares me to think about facing the real world alone, but I know they are only a call away.

2. How am I supposed to be an RN? I feel like this isn't real life, am I ready to face these challenges?

One of the scariest aspects of nursing school is knowing one day, you are going to be on your own in the medical field. School prepares you for the NCLEX, but does it prepare you for the real nursing world? I have had many people tell me nursing school is different compared to the real world.

3. Oh you mean I can go out on an evening that ends in "day" and not study?

I know being cuddled up in bed with Powerpoints, your computer, highlighters, pencils, pens and paper is the perfect evening, but I cannot wait until I am able to enjoy myself. Maybe I can wake up in the morning without a highlighter stuck to my butt.

4. Are you sure you want to let me do this? I mean, I can watch you do that (insert whatever skill you want here) one more time...

Because every nursing student gets so excited for a skill, but then has a miniature panic attack when your name is called during clinical. Because putting a Foley catheter in is an everyday activity, correct?

5. How am I supposed to "adult" when I have barely had social contact in 2 years.

I am not sure what I will do when I am able to interact with other human beings and actually talk about life. Honestly though, the conversation always ends up with the topic of discussion being poop or lancing something. Do not forget I'll have to embrace paying bills, can I use a dosage calculation to figure that out?

6. I am officially At Risk for Ineffective Coping related to altered lifestyle patterns.

I joke and say I do not have a life, I am not kidding though. I have study time scheduled in my planner, I just thought everyone did that. I guess I was wrong. I am going to have to embrace the real world, adjust my lifestyle and stop being a hermit.

7. OH MY GOSH, NO MORE SIMCHART! (electronic computer charting system that conveniently crashes...all the time...in the middle of a Head to Toe note)

I am not sure if every program had to embrace the journey of SimChart, but it was a lovely experience I must say.


Thank God for bleach, we all know one of us got poop on our "whitey tighty" at one given point. Oh and for the people who like to wear panties with word's, go for it sister, no more "bootylicious" shall be seen through your pants.

9. Oh, I can officially not face feeling guilty when I do not study?

There is such a thing as a clear conscience, I feel like I am leaving a child I need to check on. "Hey mom, I left Lewis on my bed, can you check on him?" (Lewis is the Medical Surgical book, he has slept with me for a solid year)

10. Alright, can stop worrying about those three numbers 75.5%...(I hope)?

I mean the passing grade is a 76%, but a 75.5% rounds up. Therefore, I am thankful for Roger's Hub and calculating my required final grade about 85 times, just to be safe. I only have four 2-inch binders to memorize for the cumulative final, that shouldn't be awful (yea right).

Nursing School has been the most insane past couple years of my life, but I would never trade any of it. I have made friends and gained so many memories along the way. I have learned more about myself than I ever imagined. Though I laugh at the irony of the rough days and cry with the sad, I have enjoyed this journey. Now, lets face the next few weeks of exams, get pinned and graduate.

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