10 Things We Do When it Rains
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10 Things We Do When it Rains

General ridiculousness, basically.

10 Things We Do When it Rains
Floret Flowers

In lieu of studying for our math final, I continue to find new and exciting ways to procrastinate and waste time. In attempting to write my article this week, we had one of these such procrastination sessions- while eating cookies my mom brought (love that woman) and drinking coffee. While the gloom of finals is great this week, what is possibly even more saddening is the thought of another week with no schoolwork and yet- rain. Rain for everyday. The rain symbol haunts me. I keep looking at the weather forecasts and praying for just a tiny little sun- and instead it is just incessant rain clouds for the next week. I am sad- to say the least.

So without further delay- here are ten things I do while it is raining-

    Buy myself coffee

    The funny thing is- is that I can’t actually remember the last time I bought a hot drink. When it’s raining everyone expects that you carry around piping hot Starbucks drinks, but not me. I’d apparently rather carry a freezing cold iced tea across campus while I brave the sideways rain and wind. I believe it adds to the experience.

      Online shop

      Another interesting detail about me- I have been obsessively shopping for sunglasses for the last month. For some reason I feel that a nice pair of Ray-Bans are essential to my wardrobe… except… ITS RAINING. Incessantly. What am I doing with my life? (I am seriously considering spending my break lying on my bedroom floor with the blinds closed and all my lights on, and pretending that I’m in Hawaii. Email me if you have an ocean tapestry.)

        Make a Finstagram

        Finstagram, as the kids tell me, is supposedly very popular. I don’t really get it. So I made a fake finstagram, in which I post all the pictures that I take when I like to sometimes pretend that I am a fashion blogger/YouTuber with a consistently aesthetic life and not an average college student. By taking these super aesthetic pictures, I am slowly convincing myself that I have my life together. It’s kinda working.

          Get ice cream

          But seriously, have you tried the ice cream in the HUB?? I am extremely impressed. It doesn’t really matter that you could get a whole meal for the price of one scoop of ice cream. It’s dining hall money- it floats through the air like ghost money and you never really see it anyway. It’s not like it could go to paying for Ray-Bans instead- so I don’t feel that bad.

            Online shop more

            I don’t think the first time really showed how much I shop online. I could pretty much tell you the price of anything in Anthropology right now. Just ask.

              Getting stuck in the twitter bubble

              This is a very real problem for me because Twitter links to everything else. You can go on Twitter, link yourself to Instagram, learn about some current news, read some inspirational quotes, and then get linked to more shopping. All in the short time of an hour that it has now taken you to look through all of 5 tweets. Wait…? It has already been an hour?

                Re-watch old shows

                At this point, I am almost positive that I can quote any episode of Friends. I really wish some days- that I could be Jennifer Aniston, and also, who wouldn’t want to live in that apartment, and next door to Joey Tribbiani? Also, I just rematched Jim’s proposal to Pam on The Office. Tears.

                  Re-read books

                  I like skip to my favorite parts and just read those. Especially right before bed when I’m winding down for the night… and trying to ignore the pounding sound of rain on the window, or even worse, the wind actually BLOWING our window open.

                    Make lists of things to do when it is actually sunny

                    Mostly I would just like to sit in my backyard and read a book and know that I will be warm. I am always dreaming of lazy summer afternoons- though.

                      Finding new phone backgrounds

                      I follow @countrylivingmag and @floretflower on Instagram and they have given me consistently beautiful phone backgrounds with sunny aesthetics this whole year. Keeps me smiling even when the sun isn’t out!

                        To the mist, rain, hail and everything in between.

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