Always a hilarious classic, "A Christmas Story" has the duel purpose of demonstrating--stage by stage--how it feels to take a super hard final.
Step 1: before the exam
You've studied a lot and put some serious time into this test, so you're feeling good. At the very least, you imagine, you'll get an A+++ :
Steps 2-6: during the exam
Your professor hands you the actual test, and you can finally see what it's all about:
You page through the whole thing in anger and disbelief . . .
. . . And finally try to start it:
(minus that smile, obviously)After a few minutes, you raise your hand and ask for “clarification” on what half of the questions mean, hoping your professor is feeling nice . . .
. . . But they shoot you down immediately:
Defeated, you return to your desk, muttering under your breath:
You fumble your way through, knowing you have no chance of success:
Eventually, you give up and hand it in (half of the questions may or not be blank):
Step 7-10: after the exam
When you leave the classroom, you might cry a little:. . . Until your grade gets posted on Blackboard. Then it's:
Better luck next year, right?