10 Reasons Why Having An Older Sister Is The Best
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10 Reasons Why Having An Older Sister Is The Best

You may not always see eye to eye, but in the end, she'll never fail to be there for you.

10 Reasons Why Having An Older Sister Is The Best

10 Reasons Having An Older Sister Is The Best:

“Drink it Sam, I promise you’ll like it”

“But Ashleigh, it’s toilet water…”

“Yes, but it’s magic toilet water, so if you drink it, you can make a wish!”

I was roughly 4 years old when my older sister tried to make me drink toilet water. Well, I guess I should say succeeded, because I shamefully ended up doing it. While some of you may read this and think to yourselves, “Wow, that’s pretty brutal, I don’t think I’d ever want to be friends with my sister if she made me do that," I would have to tell you that you’re wrong. After years of pulling each other’s hair, screaming about who is mom and dad’s favorite, and threatening each other that the Easter Bunny wouldn’t come if we didn’t get the bed by the window, my sister and I became closer than I ever would have guessed. Now, 15 years have passed, and my sister and I are able to sit down and laugh about the drama filled days we once had. Truthfully, although I always appreciated her, reflecting upon all our shenanigans helped me to realize how lucky I am to have her in my life. More importantly, it helped me to realize the 10 reasons why having an older sister is the best…

1. They Help You Find Your Path

The truth is, siblings are sometimes the only people that can actually relate to how you’re feeling about the future, primarily because you are cut from the same cloth. They understand that you want to be just as successful as mom and dad, and they can sympathize with you when you get a grade lower than you anticipated. Regardless of the circumstance, they’ve been through it before you and by talking to your big sister and hearing how she got through it, you are able to push forward and realize that getting a C in organic chemistry is not the end of the world.

2. You Stay Ageless Together

There really isn’t anyone else in the world that can quote Disney movies with me as well as my sister. Although we used to watch "Monsters, Inc." as children on our long car rides to Grandma’s, we never get tired or outgrow quoting the scenes that made us so entertained as young kids. Sure, we may be a college student and a college graduate, but neither of us have any shame in remembering our younger days, and if you ask me, that’s pretty special.

3. They Always Understand Mom And Dad Problems

They’ve heard the fights, they’ve seen the tears, they’ve lived the madness. One of the best things about having an older sister is that they know why it made you so angry when mom said you couldn’t go to Lollapalooza, and they understand the frustration you experience when dad edits your paper down to the very core. If you ever need someone to vent to about problems with your parents, they’re your therapist.

4. They Never Judge You

Arguably, the greatest thing about having an older sister is that they have known you since the day you were born, and they see you for everything you are. They may know that you have flaws, and they make not like them, but they also see the best parts of you and never fail to acknowledge that you aren’t a complete screw up. So when you make the mistake of getting the piercing your grandma would have a heart attack if she knew about, tell your sister, because she of all people will listen with an open mind and work with you to find a solution.

5. Their Advice Actually Makes Sense

While mom’s and dad’s are great for giving advice, there’s a certain age gap that makes it very difficult for everything they say to resonate with us. Their childhood was different, and times have changed, so when they begin to offer their words of wisdom on how to avoid getting too inebriated at parties, we roll our eyes. Sisters however know exactly what you’re going through, and the second they offer up a suggestion for how to avoid the after math of your first frat party, your ears perk up and you thank the heavens that you know someone who actually gets it.

6. Sister Nights

Going out with your friends is always fun, but there’s nothing better than being able to call your sister and spend time painting your nails and watching chick flicks all night long. It doesn’t just allow for some down time, but it gives you a chance to catch up and fill each other in on all of the important things that have happened in your life since Christmas. Besides, who doesn’t love midnight puppy chow?

7. They Know Which Secrets To Keep

“I won’t tell anyone; I promise.” These words have probably left the mouth of everyone reading this right now, and odds are if they have, it has been a lie once or twice. Now, I’m not talking about the deep dark secrets that we swear to keep, I’m talking about the small, “I snuck out of the house and I really can’t get caught” secrets that friends blab to one another during lunch. With an older sister however, you never have to worry about your secrets being kept. They know that mom and dad would kill you if you got a tattoo, and they understand that if the parents of the family you babysit for found out you accidentally let their child have five Ho-Hos, you’d probably get fired. Which is why they are the best person to confide in at all times, because above anyone else, your older sister knows what to take to the grave.

8. They Understand The, “Help I don’t Know What I Want To Do With My Life” Look

We’ve all been there. Thanksgiving, Christmas, family reunions, they’re all the perfect time and place for loving family members to inquire about what you plan on doing with your major and whether or not you got the internship you applied for. Of course, we love our families to death, but sometimes we need a break from spitting out nonsense to them about how our Environmental Science class has anything to do with our English major. In moments like these, all you have to do is shoot your sister a look, and she’ll be over in seconds ready to rescue you from a conversation that seemed to have no end.

9. She’s The Reason You Don’t Drink The Jungle Juice

Hearing about her experiences allows for you to know which decisions are the right ones, and which ones may not end so well. Beyond that, she is the perfect voice of reason when you are entering into college and have no idea how to approach certain social situations. The good news is, with her help and expertise, she will provide you with the critical information you need to make sure that you have a social life, but also do well in all of your classes. Not to mention she’s the reason you walk the other way when you hear any mention of the word “jungle juice”.

10. She’s Always In Your Corner

At the end of the day, no one loves you more than family, and if you have an older sister, you will always be the “little one” in her mind. Regardless of where you decide to attend college, what you want to get for your next tattoo, or how poorly you did on your ACT, your big sister is there with you through it all, and at the end of the day, she will always be right behind you, ready to have your back.

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