10 Reasons Why Trader Joe's is Everything
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10 Reasons Why Trader Joe's is Everything

It's not just the prices that'll make you cry tears of joy.

10 Reasons Why Trader Joe's is Everything

I used to make fun of people who used to rave about Trader Joe's. Like, yeah, okay, it's a grocery store. Right? But oh my was I wrong. In the middle of my fall semester of sophomore year, I decided to take a trip to Trader Joe's to see why everyone was so fricken obsessed with it. Now, I ritually go to Trader Joe's at least once a week to stock up on fresh produce, delicious snacks, and to talk to some of the coolest people in Baton Rouge.

Note: I do not work for Trader Joe's, nor have I ever; I am not affiliated with Trader Joe's in any way, I literally just love TJ's and want more people to experience its awesomeness in Baton Rouge!

1. The People

I've truthfully never met nicer people anywhere in the world. Every time I go to Trader Joe's, I engage in so many meaningful conversations, whether it be with the cashiers, people restocking, or just people buying similar groceries. I've had full, in depth conversations with the cashiers, who always are interested in your day (honestly!) and are always full of a bright energy. Everyone who works there says constantly that they love working there, and every employee really works together as a team. It brightens my day just walking in and having people smile, tell me hello, and tell me about the awesome specials they have.

2. The Artwork

This is something that really blows me away every time I go there. In Baton Rouge, all of their artwork is centered around Baton Rouge, with LSU tigers, the Capitol, and other landmarks in Baton Rouge that really make it feel like home. They also have multiple chalkboard artists who create hand painted signs that they put outside of the store as well as all around the store. These signs are almost breathtakingly beautiful and really brighten up the environment.

3. The Kid's Baskets

I mean do I have to say anymore? Nothing is cuter than a little kid walking around with a tiny basket full of food to help their parents. I haven't really been to any other grocery stores that have perfectly sized kids baskets that not only entertain children, but make them more involved in their grocery shopping.

4. The Produce

Trader Joe's has such a variety of produce. Yes, they have the typical produce any grocery store would have, but they also have things that you won't find anywhere else. Their sweet peppers are KILLER. If you haven't tried Jicama yet, Trader Joe's has it, and you probably should. Their produce just tastes fresher, and looks fresher, and they restock it every day.

5. The Flowers

Every time I go to Trader Joe's, they have some kind of new flower they're selling, succulents, and an entire wall full of beautiful flowers to pick up. Last time I went, they had cute little bundles of succulents for sale, and they always have precious lilacs and other small flowers to buy. I love seeing all of the flowers when I walk in, especially because they are not the flowers you normally see which are half dead or over-watered.

6. The sweet snacks

I can't even describe how much sweet stuff they have in there. And GOOD sweet stuff, too (as well as the "bad" sweet stuff). All of their food is quality, and freaking delicious. There hasn't been a time when I've gotten something sweet from there and disliked it. They have an entire shelf full of trail mix and dried fruit (get the mangos!!!!), and did I mention they make inside out carrot cake cookies? Addicting. They also have a ton of chocolate-dipped cookies, gingersnaps (also delicious), and during the holidays had peppermint cookies I could finish in one sitting.

7. The salty snacks

This is probably one of my favorite parts about Trader Joe's. They always have the most interesting snacks to choose from--whether I want some feel good mac and cheese, portabello mushroom fries (delicious), seaweed chips (also delicious), veggie chips, kale chips (extremely delicious), snow peas, and a whole bunch of different popcorns and chips, TJ's never disappoints.

8. The bags

TJ's also works to be a sustainable community. In the beginning of the year, they had a "mystery bag" for a few bucks and you got 4 super cool bags from all around the country. I know you can buy reusable bags from anywhere, but TJ's makes a point to celebrate when you bring them. For a few months, you got your name put in a drawing every time you used reusable bags for gift cards. Almost everyone who shops there brings their own bags, and that definitely is better for the Earth.

9. The management

I've heard it from almost all of their employees that they truly love working for Trader Joe's. They are payed great wages and receive awesome benefits, and they aren't afraid to tell you how great their jobs are. Read a Huffington Post article about it here.

10. The Prices

Okay, all of that sounds great, but what's really setting Trader Joe's apart from a regular grocery store? Sure, the environment can be great, but if it's taking a chunk out of my paycheck I probably wouldn't go back there ever again. Aside from all of the great things I have mentioned above, their prices probably seal the deal on why TJ's is literally everything, and they'll tell you that, too. TJ's doesn't overcharge for their food, and sometimes I feel like I'm stealing from them because their produce is so low. At another store, it'd probably cost $100 for $30 at TJ's, and everyone who shops there can attest to that. Check out some of their prices here.

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