While the world progressively gets more complicated, the gospel and churches have not ceased from becoming more and more accessible. In even the smallest towns, there are churches on almost every corner. The bible has been translated to almost every language and yet, there seems to be a yearning for more. The abundance of churches is an amazing blessing, but without quality teachings and resources, the experience of church just isn't nearly as impacting.
A "Satellite Campus" is a church that partners with a larger established church. The "Satellite Campus" watches this church's pastor over a video, but has a Campus Pastor that fulfills all the regular duties of the pastor except preaching sermons. Many people have a bias against "Satellite Churches", stating there is a disconnect between the preaching pastor and his congregation since he is not a tangible part of their congregation. However, as a devoted member of a "Satellite Church" for the past 10+ years, these are some of the reasons I am absolutely okay with having a "Video Pastor".
1. You are a part of a community that reaches farther than just your home church congregation.
The saying that "this" is bigger than just me is never truer than at a "Satellite Campus." See, at a "Satellite Campus" the message impacts so many more people than just those in your congregation.
2. You are never short on good curriculum (A.K.A. lessons and devotions).
At a smaller church, purchasing study plans and lessons for Sunday School, Youth programs and Children's Church can be a large burden on the finances, but in a "Satellite Church" resources can be shared, which means a greater access to quality teaching.
3. You can literally go to church anywhere in the country that has access to wifi.
Most "Satellite Churches" have online websites that you can watch the sermons live or even have sermons available to be watched later in the week if you work on Sunday Mornings. This grows the congregation even more, and it allows for you to stay in touch with your church while traveling. Also, if there isn't a church that fits you in your area, there are online chatrooms and communities within these church websites that help you to connect and discuss the implications of the messages being preached.
4. The worship music has outstanding quality.
Being a part of a community of musicians, techies (for sound management) and vocalists encourages those in your church community to take each Sunday to the next level.
5. There are so many strong staff members throughout the church to lead you.
Whether it is leaders in your home church or in the other campuses, there are so many talented, God-filled leaders there to help you.
6. The Main Campus/Headquarters church can host conferences and camps that are more than just a small revival or vacation bible school.
Rather than hitting the double digits in attendance, "Satellite Campuses" easily hit three or four digit attendance!
7. There are so many more opportunities for Mission Trips since there are more members to sign up and fund them.
Some small churches struggle with finding enough members to reach the minimum for some missions, but with "Satellite Churches", the possibilities are endless.
8. The supplies, funds and volunteers to help those in need are more readily available.
Larger service projects can be hosted since there are more volunteers and those in the church in need can be helped since more tithe money is available.
9. Church employees have better benefits.
This seems like something that is not a big deal, but as a pastor's daughter, I know that church employees need better benefits than what a business that isn't a part of a corporation can give them.
10. The teaching pastors are so very gifted in their talent of presenting God's Word.
The Campus Pastor of my "Satellite Church" campus for over 10+ years always says this, "If there is someone who is gifted by God with the ability to spread his word in a way that impacts lives, why not share that with more people than just one church." This statement truly encompasses the aim of a "Satellite Church", and I believe 100% that these gifted pastors have changed so many lives for the good of the kingdom.
The preaching pastors, campus pastors, teaching pastors, counselors, staff and volunteers within these churches all get to work together to create a beautiful community that reaches farther than the traditional church has ever gone before. I believe in my "Satellite Church" and I can promise you there is no other place I'd rather be.
P.S. Check out my personal church at Seacoast.org!