10 Problems With Being Four-Eyed | The Odyssey Online
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10 Problems With Being Four-Eyed

Struggles that are just too real if you wear glasses.

10 Problems With Being Four-Eyed

Hey there four eyes.

If that term doesn't even bother you anymore you're probably one of the people, much like me, who have worn glasses most of their life. I know sometimes they're annoying but we'd all probably run into a lot more walls if we didn't have them. Lets just be thankful Benjamin Franklin invented the arms of glasses that keep them resting on our face so you can read about these ten things all of us four eyed folk know to be too real.

1. Losing your glasses and needing your glasses to find your glasses.

Ugh. This cycle. You may as well just commit to life without glasses, learn braille, and move on (carefully).

2. Somehow closing your eyes helps you see.

Something seems skewed with this logic, I know. Unless you have glasses this probably sounds crazy to you, but it works. The only issue being you look like you're plotting to stomp on every pair of glasses in the world with that look on your face.

3. According to those smudges on the lens, you touch your face WAY more than you think.

This is the struggle. I feel like I'm always cleaning my glasses. I'll get a smudge on there, try to clean them, and then they're covered in streaks. Ugh.

4. Trying to do your eye makeup without wearing them.

This may not be a problem everyone faces. Although if you're like me, it doesn't matter how close I stick my face to that mirror, if I'm not wearing my glasses, I can't see properly. I'll almost always finish my makeup and put my glasses back on to find a streak of makeup, a funky looking eyebrow, or just some overall disaster on my face.

5. One... or Two? Three... or Four?

I don't know dude, I'm blind. I can tell you if I can see the letter or not. I can't tell if I'm seeing that 'B' at a 720p or 1080p. I'm just surprised I can make out where your face is in the room so I don't make it weird and talk toward the lamp shade again.

6. "I think you look better without your glasses!"....ditto.

Like seriously?! I challenge a person who has actually made this comment to think it through. I can't help that I need these things to differentiate a door from a bookcase. So maybe I would look better without my glasses, but you definitely would too.

7. Finding the right time to take them off for bed.

If you're like me and you have to lay in bed and read, scroll, or binge watch to decompress before going to bed, you have to find that perfect time to take off your glasses. If you wait too long you'll fall asleep wearing them and then wake up and freak out that you've broken them. Or you'll lose them in the blankets and....see #1.

8. Trying on new glasses.

If I'm blind enough to mistake your small child for a trash can without wearing my glasses, I'm seriously not going to be able to tell whether the square or rounded square frames look better on me... This is where I found a productive use for a selfie though!

9. Hot Showers. Humid Days. Hot Coffee. Opening a Dishwasher.

As soon as you come into contact with any condensation you're temporarily blinded. Then that awkward moment of just sitting and waiting for them to clear up with your "I'm so over this bs" look on your face.

10. You can't comprehend the 20/20 life.

There are people who just wake up and see. They can see clearly while taking a shower. They can see themselves in the mirror. They can distinguish a child from a trash can. They can wear whatever sunglasses they want. Just think about that, because personally, imagining just being able to safely walk without running into walls without needing pieces of glass in front of my eyes is just mild boggling.

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