10 Pinterest Beauty Hacks That ACTUALLY Work!
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10 Pinterest Beauty Hacks That ACTUALLY Work!

Trust me, I am a Pinterest pro

10 Pinterest Beauty Hacks That ACTUALLY Work!

Let's face it, we have all attempted at least a few Pinterest hacks that had a disastrous end! For some reason when scrolling through Pinterest, some wild spark of inspiration hits me, and I suddenly feel like I can do anything.

Sometimes, even the twisted up-do hair style that has 24 steps seems totally plausible to me when I'm Pinterest crazed! Pinterest can be misleading, but can also lead you to some of the best discoveries! Here is a list of some of my favorite beauty hacks that return great results! I have tested all of these, and they actually work!!

1. Gelatin and Milk Blackhead Remover!

Ok, if you have bad blackheads then this is for you! This is the most simple and effective way to remove blackheads (plus it is super fun to remove after it dries)! Warning: this peel off remover has a terrible scent, but the results are definitely worth it! I also made my Dad do this on his blackheads, and wow, what a difference!

2. Quickest and Fullest Curls Ever!

I am so lazy when it comes to my hair, but this look takes almost no time and leaves my hair with tons of bounce! I have very long hair, so curling my hair used to take me forever until I found this! Just throw your hair into a high ponytail and curl small or large sections, then take your hair out of the ponytail and shake the curls out a bit! This is now the only way that I curl my hair. Absolutely life changing!

3. Nail Polish Mess, No Problem!

Did you drop the nail polish bottle on the floor and spill paint everywhere? Me too! The next time this happens just grab some sugar and pour it all over the accident. The nail polish will clump up, and then can be swept up effortlessly! I was so shocked that this actually worked!

4. Chic Newspaper Nails!

I have tried tons of nail ideas from Pinterest, including the marble nails, and ombré nails, but these newspaper nails actually work! This manicure is so easy to do, but looks so complex. All you need is a light nail color (base color), some newspaper clippings, and rubbing alcohol! This is easy enough for someone without much nail talent to do too.

5. Thicker Lashes in Only One Minute!

If you want your lashes to look instantly thicker and longer, then try this tip! Before applying mascara use a spare mascara wand with some translucent or baby powder, and coat the lashes with this! Then move on to your normal mascara routine, and BAM you have the thickest eyelashes ever!

6. Smooth Legs!

Yes, you heard me correctly, silky smooth legs that last for days! I was a skeptic of this hack at first, but now I am a believer! All you have to do is mix some sugar, olive oil, and lemon juice together and exfoliate your legs with it! Then you shave your legs, and repeat this process! This removes dead skin and makes all those little tiny hairs on your legs pop up so you can shave them! This silkiness lasts for days!

7. Cold Spoon Hack!

During allergy season my eyes and sometimes nose can get very swollen, and this trick reduces the effects of my allergies! When i wake up I put a spoon into the freezer and leave it there until i get ready! Then I will wash my face and moisturize, and I grab the cold spoon and press it down on my under eye area! This takes away most or all puffiness, and is great on dark circles too!

8. How to Fix a Crushed Powder Product!

Dropped your favorite blush? Cracked your go-to eyeshadow? No fear, rubbing alcohol is here to fix it! Just add a couple tablespoons and mix, next smooth over the top of the product with a spoon, then let the product dry overnight!

9. Coffee Filter Oil Blotting!

Oil blotting sheets can be expensive, but this hack does the same job for way less! Just use some regular coffee filters as oil blotting sheets, and it can work wonders!

10. Coconut Oil Hair Repair!

After your hair is damp from the shower, just work some coconut oil into the hair, focusing on the ends.Then, put your hair up and secure with a clip or shower cap. After about 20-30 minutes rinse it out, and enjoy silky hair! P.S.: This stuff can be difficult to rinse out, so if you have any trouble just try to shampoo it out! This can also be mixed with olive oil!

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