Sometimes I wonder who's in charge of naming these holidays.
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11 Holidays You Probably Didn't Know Existed

Who is in charge of these anyway?

Scott Webb

Mark your calendars for these extremely random holidays!

1. July 18th - National French Fry Day.

On July 18th we celebrate the deep-friend potato treat paired with your favorite burger, chicken fingers or eaten alone. Too bad it's in the middle of the summer because #SummerBod.

2. September 28th - National Drink Beer Day.

We all knew about National Coffee Day, but National Drink Beer Day? I don't see that as a problem.

3. October 4th - National Vodka Day.

This one on the other hand...this one may be a problem.

4. November 19th - World Toilet Day.

This holiday was created to bring awareness to the fact that 2.5 billion people lack proper sanitation and is recognized by an official United Nations resolution.

5. December 30th - National Bacon Day.

Turkey bacon? Pork bacon? What's your favorite type of bacon?

6. January 24th - Compliment Day.

Who doesn't love a compliment?

7. February 5th - National Nutella Day.

The thing is, if you've never tried Nutella, don't. Don't do it. If you do, then you'll want more and then you'll never be able to stop. Nutella is addicting.

8. March 25th - Waffle Day.

If I had to choose between waffles and pancakes, I'd pick waffles all the way!

9. April 16th - Wear Pajamas To Work Day.

Ok, let's be real. If we did this we'd be fired.

10. May 3rd - No Pants Day.

In this summer heat I feel like No Pants Day should be everyday.

11. June 5th - National Running Day.

I once saw a tweet that said "My biggest fear is marrying into a family that willingly runs a 5K the morning after Thanksgiving dinner". Let's just say I agree and this isn't my favorite holiday.

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