10 Haunted Places In Ohio
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10 Haunted Places In Ohio

Summer is here and the season of taking road trips with your friends has officially begun; what better bonding experience is there than to endure real life paranormal activity with your friends?

10 Haunted Places In Ohio

Summer is here and the season of taking road trips with friends has officially begun. Looking for somewhere new to road trip to other than Cedar Point? While Ohio has quite a bit to offer when it comes to entertainment such as amusement parks, lakes, and campsites; it also has hundreds of locations that are reported haunted. What better bonding experience is there than to endure real life paranormal activity with your friends? Here is a list of some of the most haunted places in Ohio.

1. Ohio State Reformatory (Mansfield, OH)

Built in 1886, the building served as a prison and was designed to rehabilitate first-time offenders. During the 94 years of operation, 154,000 inmates were recorded to have been in the system. The prison was suspected of performing inhumane treatments along with abuse and murder. Thousands of deaths occurred in the prison from inmates dying of diseases, being brutally murdered by other inmates, and many killed themselves after going mad while being locked in their small cage like cells. After being officially closed in 1990, the prison is one of the most known haunted places in Ohio. Tours are offered while you take a walk through the inside of the building and listen to the horrific stories and history of the prison.

2. The Ridges Asylum (Athens, OH)

Originally known as the Athens Lunatic Asylum, the Mental Medical Centre opened in 1874 and specialized in the treatment of criminally and mentally insane patients along with other health issues such as tuberculosis. The asylum housed hundreds of patients and was known for being a peaceful place that would help anyone but as more patients checked in, this peaceful place turned into an overcrowded establishment that performed cruel and abusive treatments. These inhumane treatments practiced would often lead to death and because many patients were brought to the asylum and left there by families, their corpses were buried in cemeteries on the property. The doors of the asylum closed in the 1990s but a portion of the building now serves as the Kennedy Art Museum located right next to Ohio University. The rest of the building is considered closed off; although it is not encouraged, many students have broken into the abandoned institution and claim that it looks as if everyone in the asylum just dropped everything and left.

3. Woodland Cemetery (Dayton, OH)

Established in 1841 and still active today, this large cemetery is full of history in its 200 acres and claimed to be haunted by many who have seen or experienced paranormal activity in the cemetery. The most famous of these hauntings is said to be a young boy named Johnny Morehouse and his dog. The well-known legend says that Johnny into the Miami and Erie Canal, the dog tried to pull the boy out of the water but was too late as the boy froze to death. His body was buried in the Woodland Cemetery and in depression from the loss of his owner, the dog lied on the grave of the boy and never left whereas the dog died of starvation and broken heart. In the late 1800s a statue of Johnny and his dog was made and placed in the cemetery. Many visitors have said that they have seen the young boy and dog running about the cemetery and others have claimed to hear a dog barking.

4. Franklin Castle (Cleveland, OH)

Built by german immigrant, Han Tiedmann, in the mid-1800s; throughout time, the institution has been used for a variety of purposes such as being a home to a German Socialist organization, doctor's office, apartments, a party house, and a home to bootleggers. With all of the history in the building, it is said that the ghosts here are numerous and every person who has owned the property have been subject to the hauntings. It is a fact that the Franklin Castle in Cleveland has the distinction of being known as the most haunted house in Ohio.

5. The Gore Orphanage (Vermillion, OH)

Not far from Lake Erie, deep in the woods of Loraine County, you can find the remains of what was once an orphanage. In the 1800s, the building mysteriously went up in flamed, killing all of the children inside. There is a belief that an old man who lived in the woods by the orphanage was the one who started the fire. Today, many people visit the site and there has been many claims that you can hear laughter and screams of children, footsteps, and some have even seen and spoken to children who will appear in the woods and then suddenly vanish.

6. Mooney's Mansion and Walhalla Road (Columbus, OH)

There are many variations of the story of what actually happened in the home of Dr. Mooney and his family. It is said that in the 1950s, Dr. Mooney went mad and murdered his wife and daughter with an axe then hanged their bodies and himself off the bridge over Walhalla Road, which was where the house is located. A well-known experiment that you can try is that if you drive to the road and put your car in neutral, you will coast down the hill of Walhalla Road, as you approach Mooney's Mansion your car will slow down but after you pass the bridge, your car will accelerate again even up the hills. Legend says that the acceleration is Mooney's daughter helping you get down the road safely.

7. Egypt Road Bridge (Salem, OH)

Hidden in the woods off of Egypt Road, the iron bridge is said to have history of the death of a baby, teenager suicides, and satanic activities. Also having the name of "Crybaby Bridge", there is a story that a baby wandered away from its mother and before she saw that the child was gone, it fell off the bridge and drowned. The legend has it that if you visit the bridge, you will hear a baby crying around the bridge.

8. Greater Columbus Antique Mall (Columbus, OH)

After being built at the end of the Victorian Ages, the building was used as a funeral home, a restaurant, and now an antique store. The employees have reported several paranormal experiences such as seeing a man in a brown suit walking around, a woman in a long yellow dress, and a darker spirit that wears a black cloak that scared an employee so much that she quit. The owners are well aware that their business is haunted, in fact, they think that it gives their shop character!

9. Chestnut Grove Cemetery (Ashtabula, OH)

The burial site for many fallen victims from the great train disaster in 1876 is located in Ashtabula, Ohio and is considered to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the state of Ohio. It is said that there are several different accountings of paranormal activity in this cemetery such as reports of seeing and hearing children playing along with victims of the train crash walking the grounds.

10. The Majestic Theatre (Chillicothe, OH)

Built in 1853, the Majestic Theatre formerly opened as the Masonic Opera House. The building then became a makeshift morgue and autopsy site for the victims fallen during the Spanish flu epidemic at the nearby Camp Sherman. There have been reports of seeing apparitions of a man in a dark suit floating down an aisle and little girl running throughout the dressing rooms.

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