10 Best TV Couples Of All Time
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10 Best TV Couples Of All Time

If only you were all dating in real life.

10 Best TV Couples Of All Time

1. Becky and Jesse: Full House

We all grew up watching Becky and Jesse fall in love. Their vows (which they serenaded to one another) made us cry with joy and their twins Nicky and Alex were the cutest things to ever appear on television. They really taught us how to love well.

2. Chuck and Blair: Gossip Girl

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was." Chuck and Blair loved each other so much and so selflessly that they set each other free from what was perhaps a toxic love at times. But they found their way back to one another of course, once they both grew individually. A great example of what love should be.

3. Meredith and Derek: Grey's Anatomy

The TV couple that stole all of our hearts. Meredith and Derek went through it all: near drownings, shootings, plane crashes, you name it, they experienced it. Yet they still managed to teach us that loving is simple. It was only fitting that their wedding was words on a Post-it.

4. Lucas and Peyton: One Tree Hill

We all knew from the beginning that Lucas and Peyton were meant to be and rooted for them throughout the series (move over Brooke Davis). Artsy, independent Peyton was the perfect match for wholehearted, sweet, and not to mention gorgeous Lucas. They reassure us that what's meant to be will always be.

5. Jess and Nick: New Girl

Jess and Nick's weird, crazy personalities compliment each other perfectly. As soon as Jess moved in we predicted their eventual romance and fortunately, we were right. Their love for one another is so pure and to put it simply, they are just adorable. They prove that the best relationships grow from friendships.

6. Cory and Topanga: Boy Meets World

FINALLY a TV couple that doubles as a successful couple in real life. Their relationship grows from what started as a young crush into a undeniable love. And we watched it grow all 7 seasons as they completed grade school, moved on to college and into the real world. All without growing sick of each other- true love.

7. Jim and Pam: The Office

Yet another reason to love The Office. The show follows the development of Jim and Pam's relationship, adorably and humorously. Jim was Pam's knight in shining army, there to protect her from Roy, her selfish, unsupportive boyfriend at the beginning of the series. And eventually, stole the job. He gave her everything she deserved and more.

8. Kristina and Adam Braverman: Parenthood

The kind of couple we should all strive to be. Kristina and Adam supported each other in every possible way in every possible scenario. Adam was always by her side through her cancer treatments, Kristina backed her husband when he quit his job and opened a music studio, and they leaned on each other through the many difficulties that come with parenting.

9. Elena and Damon: The Vampire Diaries

Unattached, careless Damon became devoted, loving Damon all thanks to Elena Gilbert. His love for her took him outside of the dog-eat-dog world that is vampirism and taught him how to actually care about something again. Elena and Damon are the perfect pairing, balancing each other's extremes and teaching one another the importance of love and devotion.

10. Glenn and Maggie: The Walking Dead

Glenn and Maggie found love where it wasn't supposed to be: in a zombie apocalypse. In a world where one's survival instincts kick in, their instincts are to first save one another. Their level of attachment and dedication to each other is heart-warming. We'd all be lucky to find someone we felt this strongly about.

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