10 Absolutely 100% True Reasons Why Murray State JMC Is The Best
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10 Absolutely 100% True Reasons Why Murray State JMC Is The Best

10 Absolutely 100% True Reasons Why Murray State JMC Is The Best
Brandon Bartoszek

Every student who loves the college they attend has reasons why their department is THE very best on campus. I'm no different. As a student in the Journalism and Mass Communications Department at Murray State University, I believe the JMC is the best. Here's why:

10. Wilson Hall is cool.

What’s cool about Wilson Hall is that it’s one of the original seven buildings on campus. Gargoyles guard the building. That’s how old it is. It’s home to the Murray State News, the Journalism and Mass Communications Department and the Organizational Communication Department. Try saying that five times fast.

9. Walking Distance to Coffee and Burritos.

Wilson Hall is also super close to a really chill coffee shop called Gigabytes and a popular Mexican restaurant called The Burrito Shack. Coffee and burritos may seem like questionable life choices but it’s our lifeline. What else does a JMC major need to live?

8. Personal Attention.

The average class at Murray State is 19 with the student to faculty ratio being 15 to 1. The small class sizes mean each student gets personalized attention from the professors, which is awesome for learning from our passionate faculty. Nothing is worse than being one student out of 150 in a lecture hall. Need a question answered, but haven’t gotten lunch yet? Ask your professor on the way to The Burrito Shack.

7. Study Abroad.

These days, studying abroad is both a resume booster and a way to learn about the world we live in. The JMC department offers a study abroad class that travels to England while creating a class travel blog! I promise there’s learning involved. You just have fun in the process.

6. Clubs! Clubs! Clubs!

The JMC is home to a variety of clubs and student organizations that build teamwork and leadership skills with actual hands-on experiences that are essential for after graduation. From the Public Relations Student Society of America, to the Murray State News to Ads Club, there is something for everyone. Learning is fine, but experience is so much better.

5. Affordable.

Murray State University has been recognized nationally as a college where you can get the “Best Bang for the Buck”by Washington Monthly. Which is awesome since the average college graduate’s debt in 2016 was $37,172 according to Student Loan Hero. So, yay Murray State!

4. Accreditation.

Not only is Murray State affordable, but the JMC department is also accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. This means our faculty knows what’s up. I could list all of the awesome affiliations the JMC department has, but that would be too boastful.

3. We Got Options.

When it comes to career choices, it’s best to have options and, honey, we got ‘em. Some of the most desirable degrees are in the JMC. Public Relations. Advertising. Graphic Communications Media. Journalism. TV Production. We’re not saying we’ll dominate the world, but…yeah we are.

2. Internships.

The JMC Department has a bomb-diggity internship program that is unlike any other. It’s rigorous and prestigious. We spar with Ivy League students for spots in the most coveted intern positions in the country. And we win.

1. Networking.

The JMC’s alumni network is extensive and impressive. Landing a job after graduation isn’t stressful because we’ve been prepped for the best and our alumni love taking us in. Once a Racer always a Racer. We’re the Gold standard. We have the endurance to finish the race. Our alumni are in the winners’ circle of life. I can throw out these cheesy analogies all day, but you get the point. We don’t need a lucky horseshoe to succeed.

I rest my case. These are the 10 absolutely 100% true reasons why the Murray State JMC Department is the best.

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