Fun Facts I Keep to Myself
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7 Fun Facts I'll Never Say In An Ice Breaker

Don't we love those ice breakers?

7 Fun Facts I'll Never Say In An Ice Breaker

Have you ever done an ice breaker where everyone goes around the room and says their name, where they're from, and say a fun fact? Every time I struggle to come up with an answer because the first things that pop into my head are a . Unless I'm comfortable in the space I'll take forever to answer and usually say something like "The Lion King is my favorite movie" or "I never had a pet". But those are no fun. So here are seven fun facts I would never say in an ice breaker.

1. Sometimes I talk in a British accent

British Flag Lips

By Comfreak on Pixabay

I started doing this two years ago when I got this marketing job selling high quality sheets inside Costco. Sometimes the job got boring because I was usually alone so my supervisor suggested I try to have more fun. I tried to practice different accents but my British one was the most believable. So I now when I'm bored running errands I'll speak in a British accent and see how many people ask where I'm from.

 2. I can guess people's astrology sign

Astrology Wheel

By InspiredImages on Pixabay

This happens after I'm having a quite long conversation with a stranger, acquaintance, or a new friend. Usually they'll bring up the topic of astrology first and I amaze them with all my background knowledge. And to test my skills I try to guess their sun sign. Your sun sign is based on your birthday which is the sign most people know but there's more like your rising sign, moon sign, Venus, Mars, etc. Anyway I haven't been wrong in guessing someone's sign thus far. Also I'm an Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, and Libra rising.

3. I always win games at baby showers

Baby Boy Dinosaur Cake

By andrewgtreantos on Pixabay

I am a BEAST a baby shower games. Almost every year someone I know has a baby and every year I get to perfect my skills. The games are always so simple like unscramble some words, a word search, riddles, or guessing the mother's new waist size. But I always win a game. One time I won three games. The third was guessing the waist size and I felt bad for taking all the prizes so I let the second place winner get it.

4. I can make strange food combinations edible

Banana Bun

By stevebp on PixaBay

I want to clarify that my that my food combinations NEVER looked like anything in the above picture. And I never thought my food combos were weird but my friends and family do. This started in high school when I would get bored of what my mom would cook and also try to be healthy. One thing was a beef sandwich with mustard I would dip in hummus. I did this a few times at lunch and my friends thought it was disgusting until they tried it of course.

 5. I'm great at getting things from high places

Person on step stool

By TheDigitalWay on Pixabay

Fun fact, I'm only five feet tall. I always find it hard to reach things like in the grocery store, at work, at home, etc. I hate having to use a step stool because it's a little embarrassing. Luckily I have mastered using various objects to get what I need. Right now my favorite thing to use is a large wooden spoon, it's never let me down.

6. I can almost always make someone like me

Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

I just want to say I never do this on purpose, eventually it just happens. I genuinely could care less on if a person likes me or not. But it always comes to a surprise because as most people would say I'm pretty chill and entertaining, what's not to like. The perfect example is my freshman year roommate. I was very messy back then so I think that's why she didn't like me. Then for a few days in March we both got the stomach flu, I kept making her laugh, and now she's one of my closest friends.

 7. Somehow I always convince people I have my life together

I have been perfecting this skill since I was 10 years old. Until recently I was always forgetful, unorganized, and a little spacey. There were so many times that I forgot about assignments, events, and appointments but I would never let anyone know. And whenever I tell people about my problems they're like "Oh my gosh, I would've never guessed." I like to keep a certain persona though, it's kind of like the saying "fake it till you make it". I haven't made it yet but I'm pretty close.

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