Which Holiday Treat Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign
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Which Holiday Treat Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases involve astrology and dessert.

Which Holiday Treat Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

The holiday season brings decorations, music, and, of course, delicious desserts. It's time to see what the stars say about which one you are!

1. Aries: Christmas crack

Photo by Yoori Koo on Unsplash

Starting off strong with one of my favorite Christmas desserts, Christmas crack is many different delicious pieces combined to be even better. Like Aries, this dessert is fun, adaptable, and a little bit of a mess (in the best way). I've found a lot of people also don't know about Christmas crack but judge it because some versions use saltines (which is delicious by the way, but if u don't want to try pretzels are also great), and Aries sometimes has a harsh reputation, but once you get to know them you're sure to love them, just like Christmas crack.

2. Taurus: peanut butter Hershey kiss cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies

If there's an official name for these, clearly I don't know it, but they're delicious all the same. Taurus, you're grounded and homey, and this simple dessert combines two classics into one. You tend to be stubborn, just like how peanut butter stubbornly sticks to the roof of your mouth, but you're also very sweet, just like the Hershey kisses on top. This cookie gives me very sitting by the fire happy vibes, and so do Tauruses.

3. Gemini: eggnog

Photo by Aleisha Kalina on Unsplash

Love it or hate it, everyone has an opinion on eggnog, just like Geminis. Both are always found at a party and are easily adapted to different environments, as eggnog can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, and Gemini can always find their place in a crowd. Also, both Geminis and eggnog get a bad rap, but once you spend some time with them, you'll realize you may have just been judging them because it was the popular opinion, not because it was deserved.

4. Cancer: gingerbread house

Photo by Ryan Wallace on Unsplash

Cancer, you are the sign of the home, so what better way to reflect it than a classic gingerbread house. You're also full of compassion and emotion, and I don't know about anyone else, but when I make a gingerbread house I am so connected to it. It is my baby. I work so hard. And that is just like you, Cancer, feeling strongly about the things you do and working dedicatedly on anything that matters to you. You're not just a gingerbread house, you're a gingerbread home.

5. Leo: hot chocolate

Photo by Nature Zen on Unsplash

What is more classic or highlighted in the holiday spirit than hot chocolate? And who is more classic and spotlighted than Leos? Ruled by the sun, you exude warmth, just like hot chocolate is known for. You also love to dress up and make your appearance more exciting, just as a simply hot chocolate can be dressed into an entire creation, with whipped cream, marshmallows, and peppermint. Hot chocolate is the star of the season, and you are the star of the stars.

6. Virgo: candy canes

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Oh, candy canes. Simple, useful, and delicious. These classic treats scream Virgo, as both are practical - candy canes are also used as decoration. Just like Virgo, they love a good tradition, and they're always perfect, another point in Virgo's book. They're even hardworking (how hard must it be to hold yourself up on a branch for days on end?). Even peppermint gives me Virgo vibes. Virgo, this treat is the perfect one for you.

7. Libra: snickerdoodle

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Warm, exciting, and a crowd favorite? Must be libra! Snickerdoodles seem to always be baked fresh, so they're nice and warm when you eat them. Libra captures this warmth perfectly, as they are always the life of the party. Libra is all about balance, and snicker-doodles perfectly balance sweet and spice with the cinnamon sugar topping. Finally, as Libras flit from group to group and snickerdoodles are gobbled up quickly, as they're both only around for a little while. Catch them when you can!

8. Scorpio: peppermint bark

Food Network

Hot take: peppermint bark is one of the top three holiday desserts. The balance of the dark and white chocolate still is a mystery to me, a proud white-chocolate hater, just as Scorpios are a mystery to us all. Peppermint bark also stands alone, mirroring Scorpio's independent nature. Finally, just as it may take some time to get a Scorpio to warm up to you, it takes some time to make peppermint bark, but either way, the investment is worth it.

9. Sagittarius: Christmas tree brownies


These classic, creative treats are fun and festive, just like Sagittarius. Much of the holiday season is under this sign, and Sagittarius go all in, just like these treats do. Both are fun at a big party or as a standalone, and each one is different, just like Sagittarius embrace their uniqueness. However, they both tend to run out quick, so don't hesitate!

10. Capricorn: Yule log cake

Photo by Kisoulou on Unsplash

This beautiful dessert takes time, commitment, and good recipe followings, all things Capricorn excels at. Capricorns are stereotyped as workaholics, and it would certainly take that much commitment to make this extravagant cake. The cake is also a long standing tradition, which Capricorns will love. And be honest, who else would really know what a Yule log is?

11. Aquarius: fruit cake

Photo by Prince Abid on Unsplash

OK Aquarius, don't get mad. This is simply because, like fruit cake, you are always the most unique in the room. You are unapologetically yourself and you love to be different. People either love you or hate you, but those who love you will ride or die for you, and even those who don't still always love having you around. Plus, both of you have a mysterious side: who knows everything about an Aquarius? And who knows exactly what's in fruit cake?

12. Pisces: Christmas sugar cookies

Photo by Valentina Dominguez on Unsplash

These are a cute, fun, and creative treat, just like Pisces. When decorating, I always dream big with my designs, and even when they don't work out, they are still something special. That's just like dreamer Pisces, who loves the sentimental things in life (like homemade, decorated cookies). Finally, these cookies are easy to share with a crowd, just like Pisces is always kind to those around them.

What's your favorite holiday treat?

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