Invest in some reusable utensils and cloth napkins. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Tips For Living A Zero-Waste Life In College

A guide to a zero waste life style as a college student.

6 Tips For Living A Zero-Waste Life In College
Selena Spezio

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College is a hectic time of studying, lecture classes and quick runs to a grab and go section in the dining halls. It's not easy limiting your waste, but it's not impossible.

Here are eight easy ways to reduce your waste in college.

BYO coffee cups and water bottles.

Reusing cups instead of reaching for a plastic water bottle every time you are out to get food saves so much plastic waste from going into the landfill. Instead of spending $2.00 on a plastic bottle, refill those water bottles and save yourself from the trap that is plastic.

Make the switch to a bamboo tooth brush.

Bamboo brushes produce less waste than plastic toothbrushes. They are much better for the environment, panda friendly, and biodegradable. The handles are antimicrobial, so bacteria won't grow. For more information on bamboo brushes head over to this link.

Invest in some reusable utensils and cloth napkins.

Investing in reusable utensils skips the need to grab plastic forks, knives, and spoons when out getting some food. Cloth napkins are a great way to save the waste produced from one use paper napkins. Cloth napkins can go right into the washer after uses and are a great replacement for wasteful napkins.

Utilize that laptop.

Instead of taking paper notes, use your laptop to make notes on. Speak with your professors about ways you can minimize the waste created with printed material. Any papers that you do end up with, recycle them!

Choose whole foods over grab and go.

Instead of getting those snack packs or snacks wrapped in plastics at the grocery store, buy Whole Foods and bulk items instead. Create your own snacks that you can store in reusable containers instead. Look up some quick recipes that you can make using food that's good for you too.

Buy secondhand.

Instead of going to your local Target or ordering decorations for your dorm or apartment, shop second hand. Go to your local thrift shop and do some searching. You can find some really cute things if you really dig. Find things that you can make into your own creation. Thrift shops usually have some good clothing items too, spend half as much money and get some cute things.

College is a time for growth, not just of who you are, but of your knowledge of the world. Living zero waste isn't as hard as it seems, it just takes some research and effort to make sure you are prepared for each day. living zero waste has such a great impact on the environment.

There are those that say that one person can't make a difference, but each time you choose a reusable water bottle, reusable fork, or buy second hand, that's one less object created to hurt our environment.

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