A Year In Music: 2016
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A Year In Music: 2016

150 songs that helped me survive the longest year of my life.

A Year In Music: 2016

Music is the ultimate party starter, comforter, pain reliever and coping mechanism. Whether you're making music or listening to it, it's definitely a part of daily human life. Think about it; almost all cars have radios built in. Several apps have been created for smartphones. It's been a huge part of human functioning basically since forever. I love music and can't live a day without it, so I decided to make a list of the songs that I fell in love with, danced to or that impacted me in the year 2016. This article is dedicated to the friends who showed me all this rad music, as well as the artists themselves. I couldn't have survived this year without them.

1. 40 Days... // blessthefall

2. Fully Alive // Flyleaf

3. Changed The Way You Kiss Me // Example

4. On The Nature Of Daylight // Max Richter

5. Gum // Moose Blood

6. If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn // Sleeping With Sirens

7. Don't Worry, Be Happy // Bobby McFerrin

8. Family Man // Fleetwood Mac

9. Motivation // HG Free

10. Stadium Rave // SpongeBob's Greatest Hits

11. I Bring The Weather With Me // The Amity Affliction

12. Nocturnal Masquerade // Toothgrinder

13. Wherever She Goes // Trapt

14. This Could Be Heartbreak // The Amity Affliction

15. Fall Into Sleep // Mudvayne

16. Humble And Kind // Tim McGraw

17. Fuego // Pitbull

18. Ohio Is For Lovers // Hawthorne Heights

19. Remenissions // Avenged Sevenfold

20. Since U Been Gone // A Day To Remember

21. Let Me Be // Escape the Fate

22. The Rock Show // blink-182

23. Swing Life Away // Rise Against

24. Buddy Holly // Weezer

25. Romeo and Juliet Op. 64 (Excerpts): Dance of the Knights // Sergei Prokofiev

26. Into You // Ariana Grande

27. Breakin' Dishes // Rihanna

28. What's Your Flava? // Craig David

29. Happy // Pharrell Williams

30. Commander // Kelly Rowland

31. Hollywood // Madonna

32. What's My Name? // Rihanna

33. Ring My Bells // Enrique Iglesias

34. Wait For You // Elliott Yamin

35. Into The Ocean // Blue October

36. Anyone Else But You // The Moldy Peaches

37. Going To California // Led Zeppelin

38. If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out // Cat Stevens

39. Do It Again // The Beach Boys

40. California Dreamin' // The Mamas & The Papas

41. All Along The Watchtower // Jimi Hendrix

42. Soul Kitchen // The Doors

43. Hello, I Love You // The Doors

44. Kali Ma // Neck Deep

45. Check Yes, Juliet // We The Kings

46. Dear Maria, Count Me In // All Time Low

47. Sunshine Of Your Love // Cream

48. Serpents // Neck Deep

49. Black Heart Inertia // Incubus

50. A Part Of Me // Neck Deep

51. History // This Wild Life

52. Candour // Neck Deep

53. Titanic // Robin Schulz

54. The Safety Dance // Men Without Hats

55. Spectrum // Zedd

56. Girl Got A Gun // Tokio Hotel

57. You In A Song // Jason Reeves

58. Alive // Adelita's Way

59. Send Me On My Way // Rusted Root

60. She's So High // Tal Bachman

61. Love And Memories // O.A.R.

62. Only The Young // Journey

63. Wait And See // Iration

64. Reelin' // Iration

65. Behind The Mask // Escape The Fate

66. High Hopes // Pink Floyd

67. Reasons Why // Nickel Creek

68. Sparks // Coldplay

69. Aqueous Transmission // Incubus

70. Millstone // Brand New

71. My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down // Ramones

72. Substitute // The Who

73. Edge of Seventeen // Stevie Nicks

74. Green Eyes // Coldplay

75. Must Have Done Something Right // Relient K

76. The Sound of Silence // Disturbed

77. More Than Words // Extreme

78. Rocket Man // Elton John

79. Wouldn't It Be Nice // The Beach Boys

80. Wish You Were Here // Incubus

81. All Around Me // Flyleaf

82. Fuel // Metallica

83. Dance Epidemic // Electric Six

84. Get'cha Head In The Game // B5

85. My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less // David Nevue

86. Two Weeks // All That Remains

87. Duality // Slipknot

88. Reincarnate // Motionless In White

89. Back Here // BBMak

90. When The Levee Breaks // Led Zeppelin

91. Shop Around // The Miracles

92. Miss You // The Rolling Stones

93. See A Penny, Pick It Up // YACHT

94. Light My Fire // The Doors

95. My Curse // Killswitch Engage

96. Fell On Black Days // Soundgarden

97. White Rabbit // Jefferson Airplane

98. Rosemary // Deftones

99. Roulette // System of a Down

100. Ten Tonne Skeleton // Royal Blood

101. Notes In Constellations // Chiodos

102. Swim Down // Moose Blood

103. Little Monster // Royal Blood

104. The Webs We Weave // Escape the Fate

105. Paranoia // A Day To Remember

106. The Chauffeur // Deftones

107. Tug-O-War // Chevelle

108. No Place To Hide // Korn

109. Scene Two - Roger Rabbit // Sleeping With Sirens

110. Panic Prone // Chevelle

111. Little Lies // Fleetwood Mac

112. What's My Age Again? // blink-192

113. Love Who Loves You Back // Tokio Hotel

114. Adam's Song // blink-182

115. Miss Murder // AFI

116. The Drug In Me Is You // Falling In Reverse

117. Lost In You // Three Days Grace

118. Stay With Me - Acoustic // You Me At Six

119. Roses For The Dead // Funeral For A Friend

120. Cemetery // Say Anything

121. Rich Woman // Robert Plant

122. Le Freak // CHIC

123. Sexy Boy // Air

124. Boys From The South // Pistol Annies

125. Gunpowder and Lead // Miranda Lambert

126. Bring Me Down // Miranda Lambert

127. 5-1-5-0 // Dierks Bentley

128. Fishin' In The Dark // Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

129. Mad World // Gary Jules

130. Burning House // Cam

131. Plateau // Nirvana

132. International // Chali 2na

133. Quicksand // Incubus

134. Deer Dance // System Of A Down

135. Deuces // Chris Brown

136. Implicit Demand For Proof // Twenty One Pilots

137. Prelude 12/21 // AFI

128. Sloppy Seconds // Watsky

129. Swerve City // Deftones

130. When The Stars Go Blue // Tim McGraw

131. Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act I, 5. Pas de deux: II. Andante - Allegro - Molto piu mosso // Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

132. Sic Transit Gloria ... Glory Fades // Brand New

133. Sweet Like Cola // Lou Bega

134. Parachutes // Coldplay

135. Beneath The Surface // David Nevue

136. And Run // He Is We

137. Dumb // Nirvana

138. Got Me Wrong // Alice In Chains

139. Polly // Nirvana

140. Misty Mountain Hop // Led Zeppelin

141. Kashmir // Led Zeppelin

142. Smile // David Gilmour

143. Adolescents // Incubus

144. Talk Show Host // Radiohead

145. And The World Turned // The Gabe Dixon Band

146. Live Like You Were Dyin' // Tim McGraw

147. Gimme Shelter // The Rolling Stones

148. Name // The Goo Goo Dolls

149. Feed My Frankenstein // Alice Cooper

150. Chaos // I Prevail

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