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I Work At H&M And I Love It

Working in retail has it's peaks and it's pits, but H&M holds a candle to most retail jobs

Photo by Cam Morin on Unsplash

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We've all heard the horror stories that come along with working a shift in retail. And I can't lie, I've had my fair share of them, too. Who hasn't?! But that doesn't stop me from absolutely loving my job working at H&M.

1. I have to make ends meet

Working at H&M while being in college full-time is difficult, but luckily I've been able to manage my studies and my work life accordingly. Learning to keep a healthy work-school balance is all a part of the cycle of life and it's teaching me to multitask, persevere and smile through the tough times.

2. The discounts

Let me tell you, the discounts are endless. You get your staff discount which is 25%. You can also donate your old clothes (not name brand and any condition) for a *stackable* 15% AND get a (new) UniDays student discount which you can combine for UNBELIEVABLE savings on already great pieces for your wardrobe!

3. It's flexible with my schedule 

Going to school full-time and every day of the week is a task. So being able to have the availability I have with H&M gives me a chance to focus on school during the week and only have to work short shifts and only on select days. It's a win-win. Shout out to my wonderful store managers! :)

4. It's a great way to develop a "style"

When I first started at H&M, my style consisted of leggings and hoodies. Now that I've gotten to see first-hand new styles and how you can pair different items together and look fabulous. I've learned a LOT and I'm absolutely buying it all.

5. It's ever-evolving and changing

H&M has definitely been going through it these past couple months, so being able to push through and still be a popular brand in the fashion industry and able to make an impact on the recycling epidemic

6. It challenges me to work with people of all backgrounds

I've met people from every walk of life while working at my H&M store. Whether it's my co-workers or the customers, I'm able to empathize with strangers and friends alike. It has given me an even deeper perspective of the people I know and the people I will meet down the road.

7. Because I love it

Don't get me wrong, every retail job has it's negatives; but working at H&M definitely has it's perks. Meeting new people, the discounts, the wellness hours, the pay, vacation time. This job has given me a leadership role within the store and I guess in life. I'm currently a Conscious captain of my store meaning I can openly preach to consumers the emphasis of re-wear, re-use and recycle all the while taking the plastics, glass and paper products used in store and return them into recycling centers to provide a more sustainable approach in life.

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