1. The exact cause of PCOS is still unclear. Some evidence suggests that it may run in families, and if your mother or sister has it, then chances are you may have it too. | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

In Honor of PCOS Awareness Month, I Researched 25 Things About The Autoimmune Disease

Ongoing research is further promoting the fact that engaging in a proper diet and exercise regimen can alleviate many symptoms!

In Honor of PCOS Awareness Month, I Researched 25 Things About The Autoimmune Disease

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder that affects young women, especially those of reproductive age. Women with PCOS often exhibit symptoms ranging from increased levels of the male hormone androgen along with cysts in their ovaries. However, ongoing research is further promoting the fact that engaging in a proper diet and exercise regimen can alleviate many symptoms! Here are 25 things I found out about PCOS.

1. The exact cause of PCOS is still unclear. Some evidence suggests that it may run in families, and if your mother or sister has it, then chances are you may have it too. 

2. Women with PCOS are at an increased risk of developing Type II diabetes. 

3. Weight gain and obesity are prevalent for women with PCOS. 

4. Women with PCOS who wish to become pregnant will experience some difficulty, as infertility is associated with it. 

5. The disease is an interplay between genetic, metabolic, and environmental factors

6. Irregular menstrual cycles are a symptom. 

7. Metabolic conditions, such as insulin resistance, are often found in women with PCOS. 

8. There are psychological consequences, such as depression and anxiety, combined with it. 

9. A balanced diet and regular exercise can simplify most symptoms and help you in living a healthy lifestyle. 

10. Most women suffer from increased acne as a result of this hormonal imbalance. 

11. Women with PCOS may suffer from cardiac disease. 

12. Losing weight and maintaining a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) will alleviate many PCOS symptoms. 

13. Hirsutism (excess hair growth) along with irregular periods play a role in further elevating psychological stress. 

14. Avoid sugar but indulge in it once in a while just to soothe the “sweet tooth” in you!

15. Scalp hair loss is a symptom. 

16. There is currently no cure, but symptoms can be managed with a properly balanced lifestyle. 

17. Women with PCOS who do conceive are at an increased risk of experiencing gestational diabetes, miscarriage, and hypertensive disorders. 

18. It is unfortunately not diagnosed efficiently — it is up to you to reach out to your doctor in case you experience certain unconventional symptoms!

19. Women with PCOS are at an increased risk of developing endometrial cancer. 

20. An ultrasound is used to detect cysts on ovaries and is one of the methods used to diagnose PCOS. 

21. Birth control pills are usually the first line of treatment for PCOS. 

22. Metformin can also help reduce insulin resistance, prevent diabetes, and make periods more regular. 

23. Limiting dairy intake can improve symptoms. 

24. Reducing stress levels contributes to a healthy mindset. 

25. Every woman's body is different and so are their PCOS symptoms!

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